Principal's Message

Rise to the Challenge

Welcome to Term Three, Semester Two. 

Welcome back to term 3. This term we look forward to working towards achieving the goals set last semester and working together to tackle any future challenges. 


The increased numbers of the COVID 19 virus in Sydney and our world has caused us to make some significant changes in our lives. We have had to think of new ways, different ways, creative ways, collaborative ways of undertaking tasks, work, prayer and sacramental experiences and events important to us. 


Learning from Home (remotely) is one such change we have had to get used to. I fully understand and sympathize with how difficult and frustrating this process has sometimes been and continues to be. It has certainly pulled everyone out of our comfort zones and the learning has been significant; for parents, teachers and of course children. We have all definitely risen to the challenge. 


Today the Premier announced that current restrictions, including those in place for schools, will continue for at least another two weeks until the end of Week Three (Friday 30 July).


With the extension of restrictions our school continues remote learning. I emphasise that only those families who have no other option should be sending their children to school. It is critical that we reduce mobility across Greater Sydney as far as possible and strictly follow the stay at home orders.


While we are not inclined to specifically define essential workers, we trust parents understand how important it is to minimise the number of students, parents and staff in and around our school site. Thank you for your support in this.


I want to congratulate you for the spirit to which you have accepted this challenge and the patience and commitment shown to do one's very best to assist your children. 


May I also encourage you to continue praying with your children nightly and even stop at 12 midday to get them to lead the Angelus or the Rosary. We are praying for a swift end to lockdown and look forward to seeing you back at school soon.

A message from Mr Joe

from Mr Joe
from Mr Joe

Dear Parents and Children of Galilee,


A huge THANK YOU for the generous gifts you gave me on my retirement. I especially treasure the children’s farewell messages which were reproduced into a beautiful booklet. I’m really missing the love, respect and  daily interaction with the children, especially the “Good afternoon Mr Joe”!  My long association with Galilee school and parents has been so special and something I will remember always.  

Much love 

Mr Joe.



Anna Novak
