College Chaplain 

Dear Parents, MCC Staff and Students,


The Winter break is beginning this weekend. I hope you all enjoy this break and return to the 3rd term with more energy and enthusiasm, especially the Year 12 students, who are going to the Trial HSC Exam next term.


Yesterday, some people attended the Funeral Service of the late Isobelle Kate Smith and gave me the booklet of the service. I saw one of her photos in which she wore our MCC dress. I am sure we still remember her face and perhaps, some of the students are her friends. Let us keep her in mind and pray for the repose of her soul.

Eternal rest, grant unto Isobelle, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

During the winter break, we don’t have any activity at our college, except 9 am Sunday Mass every weekend at our Chapel. However, many families at the MCC community belong to Sacred Heart Parish, Griffith where we have so many activities each day. We always have 7 am and 5:30 pm weekday mass and 6 masses at weekend. We are indeed blessed here in Griffith. Nowhere else has mass celebrated almost every two hours at the Church to accommodate for all of us, Catholics and non-Catholics, in the diocese of Wagga Wagga. 


Come and give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and blessings to us.


Moreover, from this weekend till Friday we have two guest priests who come from Sydney and Canberra to do the Parish Mission. They will give us some inputs for our spiritual life and spiritually prepare for the celebration of our Parish Centenary on 11th July. We are all invited. I am sure that many of you, parents, MCC staff and students, want to deepen your faith and have many questions regarding spiritual life and Faith. Come to the Parish Mission and listen. You will have the chance to listen to the answers related to your faith. 


Come, listen and live.


A century since our parish has been established. Together with different priests, many of your great grandparents have dedicated their lives to build this parish, this community of faith and to keep this faith community alive by their good examples and faith. Let us follow their example and practice our faith stronger. Let us come together to build the house of God, a worthy place of God’s dwelling, the Church, the community of faith and our soul, too. 

I would like to invite you all to join me to say one Our Father, a Hail Mary and Glory Be, to pray for the Centenary Day of our Parish and for each one of us.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Come to the house of God and celebrate 

the joy of faith with your big family,                        

the Sacred Heart Parish.

God bless you all.

Fr Paul Lu                                                                                                                             

MCC Chaplain