Creative Arts 

Year 12 Visual Communication 

We are presently all learning to cope with this very difficult and confusing time during the COVID- 19 isolation. 


On Wednesday 29 April,  we conducted an on campus class for our Year 12 Visual Communication students. The girls are in the process of completing their Unit 3 folios so it was very beneficial to be able to view their progress, discuss any concerns and consider the individual interests and possible Unit 4 direction.

It was inspiring to see their wonderful enthusiasm and commitment despite the circumstances.


We are all confidently hopeful that we will be able to resume our normal classes soon.


Sue Radford

Visual Communication Teacher


Having the opportunity to come into school on Wednesday for a Visual Communication workshop was amazing!


It gave us time to catch up with classmates we hadn't  seen for a while, as well as the chance for us to receive feedback from our classmates and teacher on our current area of study, Communication Design.


This was important for me as it allowed me to think of different ideas to incorporate within my work and design process.


As a class we looked through the virtual tour of Top Design, which is an exhibit that holds some of the best works from 2019 Visual Communication students.  Many of the designs and folios we looked at were unique and presented in a number of different ways which made me consider what sort of pathway I want to take within my final folio. I found it gave me some inspiration when considering what areas of design, I want to use in my Unit 4 folio.


I look forward to our next workshop in the coming weeks.


Natalie Mason

Creative Arts Captain

Catholic Education Melbourne's

Creative Arts Exhibition 2020

Due to the current restrictions, Catholic Education Melbourne’s ‘Creative Arts Exhibition’ is being shown online. The exhibition showcases the wonderful artwork of primary and secondary students from 2019 in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. It reflects their creativity in a broad range of impressive and inspiring works across disciplines including painting, photography, sculpture, fashion and film.


We were delighted that four of our students' work were selected for this exhibition. Congratulations again to Ruby, Sommer, Elena and Grace. See our students' incredible work at…/schools…/mentone-kilbreda-college


If you would like to view the entire digital exhibition you can see our students shine at 1:03, 4:18, 4:21 and 5:08. Visit…/creativeartsexhibition2020/home


Sonya Hood

Learning Leader: Creative Arts