Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
I am so proud to introduce this edition of the Newsletter which has such a strong focus on the work that students have been completing this term.
Thank you to the students who share their work and experiences and to the staff who lead you through the rationale behind the student work.
We end the Newsletter with an update from our Student Leaders and I commend them on their advocacy for student voice and their great work.
Tasoula Michael
Assistant Principal
As we transition in and out of the remote learning environment, we continue to adapt the way the curriculum is implemented and assessed. Our priority is to further develop students’ skills, ensure a positive experience, and provide regular feedback to ensure progress is made.
In the remote learning environment of Microsoft Teams there is a focus on balancing ‘real time’ and ‘any time’ learning. Students have real time interaction with their teacher and peers, as well as self-paced tasks and/or instructional videos with clear and concise goals and information on how to progress with their learning. There are consolidation lessons at least once a fortnight, where students can review work and deepen their understanding by asking additional questions from their teachers and peers.
There are also increased opportunities for students to collaborate and engage on tasks together via the Breakout rooms feature in Microsoft Teams. Teachers continue to provide regular feedback through OneNote, Microsoft Teams or Compass, as this was acknowledged to be the most effective way to engage and progress students with their learning.