From the Office...

General Office
Office hours: 8.15am to 4.30pm
Telephone: 9758 5022
Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.
Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email directly.
In 2017 our office personnel are:
Penny Niven - Business Manager
Carol Charles - Assistant Business Manager/Principal's PA/Newsletter & Website Editor
Irene Smith - Office Manager
Sharon Cocks - Attendance Officer
Barbara Dwyer - works with Course Selections admin/VASS Admin/First Aid/Uniform Admin
Maureen Sutton - works with Careers Manager & International Students Manager/First Aid/General Admin
Michelle Hodson - Receptionist
We look forward to helping you when you call or visit us.
Finance Information
Invoices were issued towards the end of Term 4 last year.
- If you chose to make payments in a 'Lump Sum' - please note that these payments were due on or before 6th February
- If you chose to pay by 3 instalments - the first instalment is due on 20th February
- If you have not already made 'other' arrangements with the Office Manager - please call and do so as soon as possible.
Financial Assistance (CSEF)
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund
Parents & Guardians who hold a valid means tested concession card may be eligible to apply for this Victorian Government Funded allowance. The CSEF is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual amount is $225 for each secondary student. If you applied successfully for the fund at Fairhills in 2016, and your circumstances haven't altered, you will not need to submit an application form for 2017. Year 7 families, new families to the school and any families who have become eligible for the fund can pick up an application form from the school office - or print one from the website.
Fairhills has a compulsory uniform for Years 7-12. All items of uniform except shoes are available from the on-campus Uniform Shop which is open on Wednesdays from 12.00pm to 4.00pm. The uniform supplier, Buxwear can be contacted on 792 0424.
If a student is out of uniform for any reason, a note from their parent/guardian should be supplied, presented to their teacher & carried by the student at all times.
Student Absences
9758 5022
Parents are requested to phone the school before 9.00am if your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason & leave a message after the prompt. Please leave a message outlining the reason for the absence and if known the length of time your child will be away from school. The absence line is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.
Parents are encouraged to mark absences on Compass.
If a student arrives at school late they should report to their classroom teacher.
If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass.
If your student has a medical alert for ASMTHA,
the school MUST be suppllied with a Management Plan - available from the appropriate website or from the school office.
First Aid
If a student become unwell during the day they should report immediately to the First Aid room in B Block with a note from their classroom teacher. The First Aid officer will contact the student's parent/guardian to arrange for the student to be sent home. No medication will be administered without parental consent.
If students suffer any allergies etc. they are encouraged to leave their medication with the First Aid officer to be placed in the locked First Aid cupboard.
2017 Level Coordinators
Year 7 - Ms Margie Meadows
Year 8 - Ms Sharon Teesdale
Year 9 - Ms Triana Meagher
Year 10 - Ms Jenni Oliver
Year 11 - Ms Sunita Sewani
Year 12 - Ms Silvana La Leggia
New Staff
Welcome to a number of new staff members joining the Fairhills High School community:
Luke James - Brass Teacher
Mirza Skelic - LOTE (German) Teacher
Anna Buchroth - German Language Assistant
VET 2017
The 2017 VET year is about to get underway. Students have been provided with a timeline outlining start dates & times. This information is also available on Compass.
Students who are unsure about their selected program have up until the end of February to make any changes. No changes can be made as of the end of February.
All material costs must be paid by the end of February to the school office. Students with unpaid fees at the end of February will be withdrawn from their VET program and enrolled in alternative class.
Students are reminded that they are required to wear full school uniform to VET held at other Secondary Schools unless there is a specific dress code/Uniform for their given VET program.
VET is an exciting new adventure for many of our students as they go beyond the gates of Fairhills, we wish them all the best - enjoy!
Any concerns regarding VET please contact Elizabeth Rundle in the Careers Office.
School Photos
2017 School Photos will be taken on Friday 24th February, with a catch up day being held on Tuesday 7th March for students who are absent.
Order forms will also be distributed by Compass on the day.
Y7 Vaccinations in 2017
The Secondary School Vaccine Program offers free vaccines to Year 7 students. These vaccines provide protection against:
- Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) – one dose
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – three doses
- Varicella (chicken pox) – one dose
Parents/guardians of Year 7 students should look out for the vaccine consent card booklet coming home from school with your child. You need to read the booklet and complete and return Part A regardless of whether your child is being vaccinated at school.
The Knox City Council immunisation service may contact you about the Secondary School Vaccine Program. Schools are authorised to provide basic parent/guardian contact details to local councils for this purpose. Contact the school by 28 February 2017 if you do not want your contact details given to the Knox City Council immunisation service.
To learn more about the Secondary School Vaccine Program, the vaccines, the diseases they protect against, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination, go to or
The first session of vaccinations to be held at Fairhills High School will occur on Monday 27th March.