Principal's Report

Welcome to 2017 at Fairhills
Dear Parents, Students & Staff
Welcome back for another year, a year which we trust will be safe, fulfilling and enjoyable for all. Our first day started with 15 minute Year Level Assemblies (where students received a welcome back from their Level Coordinators and a copy of their individual timetables) and then it was off to their first class.
Thanks to our Smart Start week at the end of last year, students had already met most of their teachers, started work in each class on the first topic for 2017 and received some holiday assignment work to be handed in during the first week to count towards their Semester 1 assessments. Consequently, as I walked around the school during the day, I saw well prepared teachers and interested students already getting involved in their learning.
A focus this year is to increase the percentage of time (both at school and with homework) students are actively engaged in their learning; increased attendance, improved punctuality to class, fewer disruptions and the consistent use of written 'Learning Intentions' each period so that classroom activities effectively achieve real student learning. Of course we will continue our personalisation of teaching and learning as our teachers further build constructive relationships with all of their students and are assisted by an increasing availability of useful data to guide their planning and one-on-one advice to students. Fairhills has joined a group of schools that will participate in an exciting new program entitled 'Curiosity and Powerful Learning'.
More about this later.
In the enrolment kit you received last year, we included a copy of our 'Homework Expectations' document. This provides a very clear explanation of what we want to achieve in 2017 to further enhance the learning of our students. A copy has now been placed on our Fairhills website. We ask that you support your student in meeting these expectations. Your feedback would be very welcome to help us further refine it.
Tertiary Placements
Teachers were delighted on their return to school to find that last year's Year 12 students have been very successful in obtaining study places in their preferred courses at University & TAFE. Please refer to the statistics provided later in this Newsletter. As you will see 87% of our students who applied to VTAC have obtained a place. This is an important (although not the only) measure of the success of our school, the quality of our teaching and the supportive nature of our Fairhills learning environment. Congratulations to both our students and staff.
We continue to be very pleased with our decision in 2014 to upgrade our canteen into a cafeteria with better facilities and equipment, experienced staff and a wider range of nutritious and interesting menu choices. The attached menu shows that we have different specials each day to encourage students to broaden their tasks and appreciate that a wide variety of foods can be both nutritious and enjoyable.
Welcome New Students
Finally, a special welcome to our new Year 7 students and about 15 other new students at other levels. We trust that you will very quickly find your way around, make new friends, enjoy our family atmosphere at Fairhills and start working consistently to achieve the best learning outcomes you can.
Notice of Election & Call for Nominations - School Council
An election is to be conducted for members of the School Council of Fairhills High School.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the school and must be lodged by 4.00pm on 27th February 2017.
The ballot will close at 4.00pm on Monday 13th March 2017.
Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school. The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:
Number of Positions:
Parent Member -3
DET Employee Member - 2
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.
Harvey Wood