Remote Learning FAQ @ MPRPS&K

All children who can learn from home, must learn from home.

Department of Education and Training Secretary Jenny Atta has prepared a letter for principals to send to their school communities,  about the importance of learning from home. The letter states that – on the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer – all children who can learn from home, must learn from home, to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). The letter is clear that on-site school attendance is available only as a last resort, when children cannot be supervised at home.

Below is an application form from the Department of Education for on-site attendance. If you feel you have grounds to request your child attend school you must complete and return the attached application to the school email. This application will be reviewed and you will be informed if your application has been successful or otherwise. No child is permitted to be on the school grounds without the approval, by the school principal, through an official application.

Application forms must be submitted weekly by Thursday 3.00pm for approval for attendance the following week with a decision communicated on the Friday by 3.00pm.

How will attendance be recorded?

Schools may use a range of mechanisms to determine if students are attending in a remote learning context. This includes:

  • Learning contact: the school verifies that the student has engaged with learning tasks through participation in teaching schedule. This may include through the student’s engagement with the school’s learning platform, through teachers’ direct interactions with the student and through student’s submission of work.
  • Student, parent or carer contact: the school makes contact with the student, parent or carer to verify the student’s participation that day.
  • Onsite attendance: student is recorded as present at a school site for onsite programs.
  • Absences will be recorded in the same way - Parents/carers enter the absence in Sentral.