Visual Arts and Sustainability

'Seeing the world through a different lens.'

Year 1 and 2 students made creative, arm puppets

They used a range of materials including recycled party decorations.

Don’t forget to recycle your next party through the art room.













World Ocean Week 

World Ocean Week is celebrated from the 5th to 11th of June.

Students at Fatima helped to make a fabulous fish out of recycled plastic bottle tops.

It highlights the importance of keeping plastic rubbish out of our bay.

Plastic rubbish is quickly turned into tiny pieces of plastic when is swallowed by fish and other marine creatures. It is making its way into the flesh of the same animals and then onto our dinner plate. 

So please help keep our marine life and families healthy by picking up any plastic rubbish at our beaches.



Amanda Heggen

Visual Arts & Sustainability Leader