Learning and Teaching

'Learning is a constant process of discovery.'

Maths @ Fatima

Our Maths curriculum is designed so that students are exploring similar concepts in number, measurement, statistics or chance. It supports our classroom teachers to create engaging, punchy units of work and share ideas as a whole team. Specialists also hook into some of the concepts where it links to their subject too. 


This fortnight our students are exploring patterns and algebra using shapes and numbers. Students have explored repeating and growing patterns at all different levels of abilty from Prep to Year 6. Skip counting, multiplication and division have been part of the focus especially in the senior grades. Patterns are an important element of spatial thinking and geometry, for instance with reflective and rotational symmetry. Once children begin to spot patterns they see them everywhere, not only in the environment, but also in daily routines and all kinds of regular behaviour. Most important of all, children find pattern activities engaging and so they can help to develop positive attitudes and access to mathematics for all children.

Seesaw @ Fatima

Wow, Seesaw is really taking off! This week we exceeded 2100 posts on Seesaw since Seesaw came to Fatima. Over 470 comments have been made on students' work, with 1,641 visits from parents and connected families. Teachers have spent time sharing students' work and started making activities to enhance their learning programs. Our P-4 students were excited to use iPads to snap their learning and practise Seesawing for themselves. Well done to students for their enthusiasm and efforts! 

Learning Challenge 

Congratulations to Imogen D. for her terrific entry in the last challenge!


Here is this week's challenge - choose one to get you thinking! Please drop your answers to Mrs Carr by Monday June 19 or email to gcarr@fatimarosebud.catholic.edu.au. Good luck!

Gill Carr

Deputy Principal / Learning and Teaching leader