Senior School

I extend a warm welcome back to all students as we return for the start of Term 2. I trust that each of you enjoyed some quality time together over the holidays and were able to celebrate the miracle of Easter. As a Christian community, the Easter holidays hold a special place in the College calendar, as they allow us the opportunity to celebrate the miracle of Easter and reflect on the significance it holds in the life of each person who knows Jesus.
The term break also provided our students with a chance for further reflection as they looked back on the progress they have made in Term 1. We hope that they were also able to recharge their batteries in preparation for the upcoming term. No matter how their holidays were spent, students arrived with a renewed sense of optimism this term and were excited to reunite with their friends and peers. With a range of important school events, new extracurricular activities and academic challenges, Term 2 bears the hallmarks of a very promising time in the 2023 academic calendar.
Following countless hours of tireless preparation and rehearsal, the ANZAC Dawn Service was once again presented to an exemplary standard by our students. Aimee Whiting-Le Cras (11.13) gave a stirring account of the trials and tribulations suffered by Australian soldiers, reminding each of us of the sacrifice others made so that we may live in the freedom we enjoy today. As we gathered beneath our nation’s flag, the Last Post, Minute’s Silence and the Rouse called each of us to attention as we resolved that ‘we will remember them’. Thank you to our students and staff who worked hard behind the scenes and arrived in the very early hours of the morning to make this solemn event possible.
The Senior School trialled running its first hybrid-format Parent Teacher Interviews in Term 2 (face-to-face and online interviews). I am pleased to report that the interviews were a great success, thanks to the efforts of our dedicated teachers and the support of our parents. The interviews provided an important opportunity for parents to discuss their child's progress and areas for improvement with their teachers. It was heartening to see so many parents taking an active interest in their child's education.
We hope you have taken advantage of the opportunity to meet with your children’s teachers to discuss academic progress and next steps. Over 1,000 parent teacher interviews were conducted to assist each student review, reflect and discuss their progress with the parents and their teachers. Thank you for your involvement. Please reach out to Year Level Coordinators, Home Group teachers and individual teachers if you have concerns.
The Term 2 schedule was freed up somewhat this year as Year 7 and Year 9 students completed the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Term 1. As we eagerly await the results, teachers would like to extend a heartfelt well done to all students who took part in this important national assessment. The NAPLAN is an invaluable part of each school’s assessment schedule as it not only provides parents and staff information about each child’s progress, but also allows the College to consolidate data and view it in formats unique to the NAPLAN. An enormous thank you to Miss Mel Haley for coordinating this important task, and to Mrs Jeannette Kotzé for her work in scheduling each day – two vital roles within the Senior School that often take place in the background, unseen but greatly appreciated.
We encourage all parents to spend time looking through the NAPLAN results when they are released later in the year and discuss with teachers at the next set of Parent Teacher Interviews in Term 3.
Thank you to everyone who participated in making Open Day 2023 such a fantastic day. It was an absolute delight to open the College to families and other visitors to showcase high quality Christian education. Students and staff worked hard to prepare for the festivities, with loads of work displayed, demonstration lessons, food, and countless high calibre music ensembles. The late afternoon deluge held back just long enough to ensure that were able to get through the day’s schedule, despite the looming grey clouds and occasional sprinkles of rain.
The BPAC swelled with families viewing their children, grandchildren and others enjoying the hard work of the months of preparation by students and our Music staff. Following a brief intermission, Dr Peck, and our College Captains shared their lived experiences at Oxley Christian College. It was a source of great pride seeing such fine young people speaking passionately with strangers about their personal journeys and how they had been impacted by teachers, other students, and the love of Jesus Christ.
The Senior School were also excited to open our brand-new Middle School Building. After what seems to have been an interminably long time, Pastor Nelson and Dr Peck were joined by parents, students, staff, Members of Parliament and members from the LMC community in the Middle School auditorium. We give thanks for this marvellous new facility and look forward to seeing how much it will add to the learning experience of each student who passes through its doors.
As has been done in the past, I continue to thank you for placing your trust in us at Oxley Christian College. May the Lord continue to guide and watch over you and your family in all that you do, providing comfort, refuge, peace, and joy, now and always. It is reassuring to know that He delights in each of us and is interested in even the smallest of details. We give thanks to God for His blessing and provision, and we ask for wisdom as we look to make good use of all that He has carefully placed in our hands.
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7
James Avram
Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School