What Did You Do At School?


Rain, rain, go away, come again another day… Winter has certainly arrived, and we are thankful that our classrooms have a delightful cosy heater. We love puddles, watching the rain fall, and using raincoats to keep our heads and bodies dry! 


At the beginning of Term 2, we explored the words: dog, jam, and hand. One of our favourite and most icky activities was writing the word jam in the sticky jam! After an adventure to the Barn, we learned that some plants only need water and the sun to grow sprouts, so we are testing this theory with some off-cuts of vegetables in our classroom! 


Our Perceptual Motor Program can only be amazing with the help of our Prep parents, and we are so grateful for the time and passion you bring to the learning and exercise activities every Monday afternoon. Lastly, the Prep teachers would like to pass on a big thank you to everyone who made our Oxley Christian College Open Day such a delightful time. It was wonderful to see the students come and show their families around the new buildings and to see photos of themselves busy at work!

Carter and Agatha
Dom and Joanna
Samyar and Tiana
Carter and Agatha
Dom and Joanna
Samyar and Tiana

Year 1

We have turned into scientists! We conducted an experiment to determine how long it takes for different types of rubbish to decompose and we have eagerly been watching this process to see how it compares to our predictions. We have also been exploring the attributes of two shapes. How can you tell the difference between a rectangle and a square?

Year 2

What a busy start to Term 2 we have had! In writing, we are focusing on narratives, starting with action. We have developed character profiles to help us work out what the problem will be and how the character will solve the problem. In Integrated Studies, we are learning to be rubbish warriors. One way we can care for our environment is to figure out what we can do to reduce, reuse and recycle. We need to reduce the amount we send to landfill. Did you know that each person in Australia sent 540kg of rubbish to landfill last year? How can you reduce your impact on our environment at home?

Year 3

We have been exploring fractions and how we can show them in different ways! We have folded paper, used number lines, found fractions of groups – each are EQUALLY helpful to help us understand how fractions work. We’ve loved singing this song together and you may like to sing it at home! 


This term, we have some special guests who have found their home in the Year 3 and 4 area. Our resident silkworms are currently eggs and we are patiently awaiting them to move to the next stage of their lifecycle! After they emerge from their egg, they become larvae and start to nibble on their silkworm chow. In the coming weeks, make sure to ask us about how they are growing and if we’ve noticed any changes in their appearance.

Year 4

Andy and Logan came second place in the Cyber Safety Kahoot competition!
Andy and Logan came second place in the Cyber Safety Kahoot competition!

We have been very busy with school photos, Mother’s Day stall and Cross Country. Open Day was also a highlight with many of us playing instruments or singing in the choir. We loved showing our friends and family our lovely classrooms and favourite areas around the school. 


This week we attended a Cyber Safety incursion where we learnt about balancing our screen time with green time, which can be anything we do away from screens. We all joined in a Kahoot! game against thousands of other students around Australia and two of our students came second overall! Well done Andy and Logan! The next exciting thing we are looking forward to is camp, only two weeks to go!

Year 5

We have been exploring the different ways they can solve multiplication problems, including lattice, area model and vertical multiplication. The students have been challenged to explain which strategy they like best and why.


In our Integrated Studies unit, Think Global, Act Local, we have had the opportunity to work cooperatively in the construction of meteorological devices. In the coming week, we will compare data gathered from our devices to data collected by the Bureau of Meteorology.


We also enjoyed a fantastic Open Day. In 5MC we had the opportunity to play VCOP Monopoly, a great way to explore our new Literacy program. Meanwhile, in 5MO we tested our knowledge in a Kahoot! designed to question us on the things we had covered in class so far.


We are very excited about what is in store for the rest of Term 2!

Year 6

We have been learning to use the Habit Of Mind, Working Interdependently, whilst constructing weather devices for our Integrated Studies topic, Think Global, Act Local. Throughout the week, we became meteorologists when we measured, predicted and forecast weather patterns based on the data we collected. 


On Open Day, we not only had the opportunity to perform in one of our many ensembles and choirs, but also volunteer to be an ambassador. We were so proud to welcome and direct visitors to the many areas of interest that our College has to offer. We were VERY excited to look through the new Middle School building and picture ourselves using the facilities when we are in Year 7 next year!