From the Principal

Dear Friends,
We warmly welcome families to the second term, and trust students have begun well in their studies.
It is a pleasure to note our appreciation for families who attended the College Open Day, and especially for students who signed up as College ambassadors for the day. It was a wonderful time of concerts, performances, classroom interaction, celebration and welcome to new families as they visited the various activities and points of interest, despite the dire forecast for rain and hail. Given another high attendance, we were able to showcase all our new buildings to the delight of hundreds of guests.
We also welcomed Senator Linda White to Oxley for the opening of the Middle School Building. A plaque commemorating this event will be mounted in the building. Our distinguished guests and other people who attended the ceremony were able to enjoy the ambience of this event, Ps Graham’s presentation on the history of the College, and the magnificent choral works of our Senior Choir.
As the College progresses the landscaping, it is evident to families and visitors alike that Oxley will provide a wonderful setting for students and staff in which to enjoy their educational and recreational experiences.
I also acknowledge the wonderful recognition of ANZAC Day in a service that was conducted by College students in the first week of term. With a focus on the Vietnam war, on this occasion, students did a brilliant job of remembering the sacrifice paid for freedom of nations.
Celebrations for special occasions are always welcome and so we wish all the mums of College students a wonderful Sunday, hoping that you are well looked after and that there are many reasons to be grateful. So much is transitory in life, but everyone that we have taken the time and effort to love will know that, in spite of our fragility, we have been known and appreciated. Gratitude is a gift that we exercise for the benefit of others and ourselves. May it be one of the good things about Mother’s Day this weekend.
Last year, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) began an inquiry into Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws. It was to report to the government in April, but this has now been delayed to later in the year. The release of the ALRC consultation paper was alarming for Christian schools, as it recommended removal of vital protections for such schools, showing a misunderstanding and disregard for authentic forms of Christian education. As a spokesperson for one major religious school system observed, with the proposals of the Commission, there is no point in our schools remaining open.
There are fundamental legal protections that our schools require, including the ability to choose staff who share and practise the College Christian beliefs and values, and the ability to maintain a distinctive Christian culture and ethos through teaching a Christian worldview. It becomes pointless to uphold a Christian framework of education if staff or student actions can undermine it and be protected by law.
If you are of a mind to follow this matter up further, please view the stories at the heart of a Christian education at This site also provides information about contacting your Federal MP about what parents want.
Warm regards
Douglas Peck