Year 11 Outdoor Education

Year 11 Outdoor Education Expedition

The two Year 11 General classes headed off for their first expedition of the year in Week 4. The group competed in two orienteering class competitions, one at Settlers Common in Armadale and then a second competition in Nannup. Elliot and Zac won the first competition and Harrison and Dylan won the second.


From there the two classes split up, with Mr Websdale and Mr Truss going to Greens Island while we headed to the Boarding House campsite on the Bibbulmun Track. Once camp was set up, it was time for the world – famous “Bus Quiz” where teams competed for the roasting marshmallows and I’m happy to say the prize was shared amongst the group as we debriefed the day and planned for the next.


The second morning saw near perfect conditions as we broke camp and started our 16km hike along the Bibbulmun Track towards Greens Island. We were in high spirits as the talking and joking translated into energy and we were counting the km’s at a great pace, stopping for breaks along the river. We also stopped for lunch at One Tree Bridge and learnt more about the history of the area.

Arriving at Greens Island was a welcomed sight and the group expertly set up for night two and prepared for another marshmallow quiz night and debrief by the fire.


Day 3 saw us wake early and prepare for the trip home. Whilst this was happening, the group decided to collect any unused supplies and donate them to the local long - term campers who were very friendly towards everyone.


I would like to thank Ms Eaton for joining the tour. She was a great support and influence on the group and we hope to see her on many more camps. I would also like to thank the Yr 11s for their outstanding approach towards the camp.


Coming up next for this class are the combined paddling skills lessons with St Brigid’s Outdoor Ed classes and another three day camp, this time they will be mountain bike riding along the Munda Biddi Trail. Stay tuned!


Dave Walczak