From the Deputy Principals

The Push Up Challenge

Thank you to all those parents who have supported their son to register for The Push Up Challenge. It is now underway. That said, it's not too late for your son to register. 

The Year 12 Prefect Council and House Captains have asked to lead this initiative with the support of relevant Year 7 – 11 student leaders. The Pastoral Leadership Team will provide close guidance and support on all action. They will be organising events, promotion and healthy snack give aways for this initiative all in support of the messages of Men's Health Week. Your son will need to keep an eye on the notices and head to the pop up Push Up Stations each year organizes. There will be some healthy inter-form competition too!


More information can be found at The Push-Up Challenge : Home ( We will be posting information, reminders and invitations to students for in-school activities in the notices. We intend to link this activity to further activities in Men’s Health Week, so watch that space in Week 8.


Mazenod College has chosen not to fundraise specifically for this event due to the other ongoing, calendared fundraising events. Our hope is to raise awareness and collective action in our community.


Parents, can you support your son join the appropriate House team by following this link:


Students should join using the following structure: 

firstname.surnameinitial.year   for example: John.S.8


The challenge started on June 1 but you can register! 

All parents need to complete a permission form, which needs to be sent back to The Push Up Challenge. It is attached below.


Keep your eyes open for more information in the notices and updates in the Newsletter.

ySafe Presentation 

As you would be aware, the College needed to cancel the ySafe online cyber safety presentation for our community. This was due to unforeseen family circumstances for the presenter. We will reschedule the event later in the year. Invitations will be communicated as soon as the date is finalised.


As a part of our partnership with ySafe, we have received our very own Online Safety Hub. The Online Safety Hub provides a rich source of information for you to help you manage cyber safety in the home, including engaging blogs, articles, guides and resources.  The Online Safety Hub can be accessed using the link below.


We encourage all parents to have a look through the Online Safety Hub and the resources available. It really does have some excellent guidance, including overviews on the trending social media platforms and how to support your son's safety online. I would also recommend familiarizing yourselves with the eSafety Commissioner website. It is a key portal for reporting online issues and has a treasure trove of government developed resources for parents.

Online safety | eSafety Commissioner



Michael Anderson

Deputy Principal (Students)