Co-curricular news

Wingham Beef Week
The Calrossy Cattle Team have returned from Wingham Beef Week with a swag of ribbons amomg them were several major awards including Champion Overall Competitor, Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Judge. A full list of their accomplishments is below;
Parader Classes
Hugo Blomfield 2nd in his class
Henry Moore 4th in his class
Amelia Miller 1st in her class and 2nd in 14 year old parader Champion
Evy Walsh 1st in her class and Champion 13 year old parader
Grace Newcombe 5th in her class
Ellie McCulloch 1st in her class Champion 14 year old parader
Hayley Hodges 2nd in paraders
Madison Bailey 1st in her class
Reese Spencer Ruddy 1st in her class
Shakaya Fenton 3rd in her class
Mitchell Taylor 1st in his class
Audrey Bower 4th in her class
Regan Banks 3rd in her parader class
Tegan Rhodes 4th in her class
Yasmin Jones 2nd in her parader class
Matthia Rudder 1st in her class, Champion 15 year old and Reserve Champion parader of the whole show out of 413 students
Junior Judging
3rd Amelia Miller in 13 year olds
1st Evy Walsh in 13 year olds
1st Hayley Hodges 15 year olds
2nd Matthia Rudder 16 Year olds
1st Yasmin Jones 16 year olds
1st Mitchel Taylor 17 year olds
Mitchell Taylor Reserve Champion junior judge
Yasmin Jones Champion junior judge
Calrossy Versace (bred by K & J Catts, Futurity Shorthorns) Second on carcass in class 4. (Light Middleweight 406-440kg Liveweight )
Calrossy Dolce (bred by C & L McGilchrist, Back Creek Limousins) 1st in class 7 Champion Heavyweight carcass (Heavyweight 511-550kg Liveweight )
Calrossy Loui ( bred by the Brooker Family trust) 5th in class 8 (Heavyweight 551kg + Liveweight )
Champion overall competitor Matthia Rudder (presented to a competitor that showed all round ability throughout the entire show.)
Reserve Champion Beef Appreciation judge was Yasmin Jones.
Yasmin had to assess four animals and grade them live on fat scores, muscle score and dressing percentages. She then had to place them into the correct market specifications. These animals were then processed at the abattoirs, and she then had to judge the carcasses and place them in the correct order. Yasmin was the second highest scoring individual of the show to win Reserve Champion.