Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards
Coming Up: In Week 5 on Wednesday 24th May, we will be hosting an Infants Literacy Night for all parents in P-2. This is an important night for one parent in each family to be
attendance and I encourage everyone to come. We will be discussing the shape of the new English syllabus, what Infants Literacy looks like and how you can help your child at
home. We will commence together in Pod 3 and then break up into four groups which will
rotate. Each group will focus on a different aspect of literacy. Not to be missed!
• Wednesday 24th May
• 6pm -7:30pm
• Pod 3, followed by Junior School Classrooms.
Date Change: Kindergarten families, please note the following date change. The
Kindergarten Night Out will now be held on Friday 2nd June. It was scheduled for the week
after, but as that is the Friday of the Long Weekend, we didn’t want to intrude on any family
plans that may occur. Please mark this date in your diary. Activities will commence after
school and finish at 7pm. More details to come.
P&F Meeting: Please join us for the P&F Meeting on Wednesday 17th May. 6pm for the
Junior School meeting. 6:30pm for the Whole School meeting.
After School Care and Vacation Care
Provided by Esteem Kids, please contact William Wong for bookings 0410 841 628
Term 2 Dates for your Diary
• Week 5 - Week of Wellbeing - Monday 22nd - Friday 26th May
• National Simultaneous Storytime - Wednesday 24th May
• Yr 2 Lantern Workshops - Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th May
• Infants Literacy Night - Wednesday 24th May
• Yr 6 to House Music - Friday 26th May
• JS Athletics Carnival - Friday 2nd June
• Kinder Night Out - Friday 2nd June
• Kings Birthday Long Weekend Public Holiday - Monday 12th June - no school
• P,K,1 Athletics Carnival - Thursday 15th June
• HRIS Public Speaking - Friday 16th June
• Yr 6 Camp to Canberra - Monday 19th to Friday 23rd June
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or
phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening
each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243