Calrossy Junior School

This fortnight we are focusing on Love of Learning.
Wise people want to learn more, so they listen closely to gain knowledge. Proverbs 18:15
It is innate in young children to love learning; they are curious and excited about the world
around them. But how do we foster this beyond the younger years? You may have noticed
this or be interested in how to stop this. You might think that your child loves learning as
they can sprout facts from YouTube or TV documentaries or books. But what do they do
with that information – having a thirst or love of learning is one thing, but being able to
channel that learning for good is an entirely different thing.
We want our children to be able to synthesise knowledge, reason, predict, question, and
make links. Have a look at the infographic below, it encourages children to activate their
love of learning through other avenues, that is not just knowledge coming in, but learning
by doing which will build their learning muscles.
It was lovely to see so many mothers and special ladies at our Junior School Mother’s Day
Assembly and Morning Tea. Thank you for joining us. Thanks also to our P&F Volunteers for running the Mother’s Day stall.
Have a wonderful week.
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School