From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Carers


There is a real sense of community at St Helena's Catholic Primary School. Thank you to everyone who contributes in some way. It is wonderful to see the pride our students, staff and families take in being a part of St Helena's. It truly is a great place to be and there is always so much happening! 


What a wonderful Mother's Day breakfast and liturgy we had last Friday. It was truly wonderful seeing so many of our mums and grandmothers enjoying breakfast with your children and then staying on to celebrate the liturgy. A huge thank you to the staff, in particular the Mother's Day Team and to Mrs Newman, Miss Carosin, Mrs Zanetti and the Year 1 students for preparing and leading the liturgy. An awesome morning! I hope all our mums and grandmothers had a wonderful day on Sunday too.


Congratulations to our SHCPS Swimming Team who came 4th out of 8 schools in the B Division swimming competition recently. An awesome effort by our whole swimming team. We are very proud of you all!


We continue to acknowledge and celebrate the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities continuing or commencing at St Helena's. Thanks Mrs Hesse for continuing Running Club on a Tuesday and Thursday morning between 7:50am and 8:15am for our Year 1 to Year 6 students. Thanks Miss Panaia for taking on the wonderful choir on a Wednesday morning again this year. Thanks also to Miss Myles and Miss Healy for starting a Coding Club on a Wednesday afternoon for our Year 4 to Year 6 students. Our students are very fortunate to have so many opportunities to discover new learnings.


On Friday we farewell Miss Georgia Kelly who will be leaving SHCPS after almost 2 years. We thank Georgia for her commitment to the students and wish her all the best in her future endeavours. On Tuesday we welcomed Mrs Megan Dawson on to staff as the Education Assistant in our Little Adventurers class on a Tuesday. Welcome Megan!


Enrolment interviews for Kindergarten in 2024 are almost complete. Families with siblings seeking a place in our Kindergarten next year at St Helena's need to ensure that enrolment applications have been submitted to Administration. It is wonderful when meeting with new families enrolling that when I ask them "Why St Helena's Catholic Primary School?" they reply because of what they hear from others. So thank you to all our cheerleaders! We appreciate your positivity in the broader Ellenbrook community. 


We look forward to celebrating Ignatius Day on Tuesday 23 May with a liturgy at 11:15am. All welcome to attend. We are also celebrating National Reconciliation Week, with a liturgy on Friday 26 May at 8:30am. 


Please save the date - Tuesday 7 June @ 6:00pm. Paul Litherland is coming to St Helena's to run a very informative Parent Information Session on Cyber Safety. I urge at least one member from each family to come along. A great opportunity to keep informed with all that is happening in our online world.


Not too late to grab a table at the Quiz Night this Friday night - 19 May. You still have time!

More information on the P&F News page below.



Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono
