Performing Arts Update

For the first "Wellbeing Wednesday", which happened to fall on IDAHOBIT day, the exceptional vocalists of the Robinson Centre set up under the rotunda in the quadrangle and entertained the hungry masses waiting for their BBQ and rainbow donuts. There was a combination of group songs and solo artists who brought good vibes to all.


The week 22nd-26th of May was a big one in the Robinson Centre. 


Tuesday 23rd was the Year 11 Drama Ensemble performance evening. Students were inspired by their excursion to see 'Nosferatu' in term one and created stories revolving around "vampire capitalism". Some highlights included: A dystopian future where Robin Hood had become increasingly corrupted by capitalism... An eerie bedtime story about Vlad the Impaler and a sock puppet version of Karl Marx. The audience were a lovely energetic bunch with laughs aplenty and lots of applause. 


Wednesday 24th saw the Year 7 bands perform for an audience for the first time. Always a delightful celebration of their first semester of instrumental lessons. 

Following the year 7 concert the Year 12 Music class had another opportunity to perform their solo works for the term. Each individual student continues to refine their performance skills with their chosen instrument, some creating new interpretations of classics.  The class finished off the evening with a group rendition of Silverchair's 'Straight Lines'.


On Friday 26th May it was the Year 12 Drama classes turn to take to the stage, performing their ensemble work titled 'Hotel Essentiale'. This performance was a mash up of apocalyptic fiction, political satire, absurdism and BBC style Farce with Fawlty Towers being the origin story for some staff at the Hotel. It was a rollicking ride that energised the audience as well as a provocation on whether or not manners would still exist in a dystopian future. 


The Performing Arts Staff couldn't be prouder of the achievements of our students, always striving throughout the Robinson Centre to create memorable live shows. They continue to demonstrate initiative, creative flair, personal growth and resilience. 


Bookending this week was the Heritage Festival in Ballarat, enabling Whiz Bang to grace the Balcony of the George Hotel in Lydiard Street and perform for the many sightseers passing on the street below. Whiz Bang bringing their signature smooth charisma to this gig. 


Jessica Quick 

Drama-Theatre Studies-English