

The Reception children at St Paul Lutheran School have began learning about the importance of insects, bees and pollinators.


In Genesis 1:20-25, God created all the living creatures, including the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and the animals that roam the earth.


Insects, in particular, are often overlooked in our care for living things. However, they play a vital role in our ecosystem. They pollinate plants, break down organic matter, and provide food for other animals. Without insects, our world would be a very different place.


As Christians, we are called to care for all of God's creation, including the smallest and seemingly insignificant creatures. We can do this by creating habitats for insects in our gardens, using natural pest control methods instead of harmful chemicals, and avoiding the destruction of their habitats.


We can also appreciate the beauty and wonder of insects. Take a moment to observe a butterfly or a ladybug and marvel at the intricate design and colours that God has created. By caring for and appreciating these small creatures, we are honouring God's creation and fulfilling our role as stewards of the earth.


Submitted by Shannen Dixon