Calrossy Junior School

Term 2 Week 6
This week brought me such joy as the whole Junior School shared in the reading of ‘The
Speedy Sloth’, by Rebecca Young and Heath McKenzie. This was sparked by the National
Simultaneous Storytime event, held around Australia to promote the value of reading and
literacy. The Speedy Sloth is about a speedy sloth who is the speediest of all his sloth
friends, but still not very speedy at all compared to all the other animals – he comes last in
the race but doesn’t give up.
The book is carefully chosen for its ‘useability’. It is a book which sparks questions, raises
awareness, and promotes a message. What struck me the most was the varying messages the children derived from the story: we’re all different with different strengths to be celebrated, never give up, resilience, perseverance, inclusivity, do your best and listen to your mum! … the list was vast. It doesn’t matter our age, a picture book can engage even the oldest of readers.
I can’t encourage you enough to read with your children. Read picture books, read to your children, read together, read chapter books. Read the newspaper or magazines. Tell stories from the catalogues. Read information brochures, read the rules of a game, read signs, read read and read some more. Don’t just let your child read alone, as much as they may love it, read with them and talk about what they’re reading. Are they comprehending what they are reading, or just flying over words. Let reading be the foundations of your home life.
Congratulations to Oliver Pearson. He received 3 merits in our Friday Assembly last week.
This is a feat only 2 other students have achieved in the last 5 years! Well done Ollie!
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School