Leadership Report

Dear RNSS Community,
School Chaplain Week
This week is School Chaplain week, so we would like to recognise the efforts of our School Chaplain Jayden and all that he does in our school. Chappy is a crucial part to our community and is spending time in each classroom to work with students. Both he and Troy, our Guidance Officer, attended a Rock and Water program recently, which uses physical games, challenges and activities to develop self-awareness, self-control and self-belief to handle any situation students or staff may face. Chappy Jayden would also like to extend an invitation to our families and community for a rodeo fundraiser on 17th June 2023 at the Great Western. Gates are opening at 5pm with a family zone and the show commences at 7pm. We will distribute more details closer to the event. Thank you Chappy for all your hard work!
Mother’s Day
In light of Mother’s Day, we would like to recognise all our RNSS mothers and mother figures, who do so much for our students. Our P&C held a beautiful Mother’s Day lunch on Friday 12th May for all our mother’s and mother figures. We had many mothers in attendance and enjoyed quality time chatting and enjoying delicious food. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your children.
P&C Day
Last Friday we celebrated P&C Day. This day recognises the important work that our P&C completes in the school. They are the team behind raffles and the Zooper Doopers, both which are raising money to create a sensory garden and to purchase all the student resources at the start of the year. We appreciate all that the P&C do in our school and all the funding that they bring for our students. If you would like to be a part of our P&C & are interesting in coming along to our meetings - please let us know what day & time works best for you, via this short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RNSSPANDC
Facilities Update
Our building project is going full steam ahead and we’re so excited as we see both the new building and B Block’s refurbishment progressing. All the blockwork is completed in the new building and steel is installed. The ground floor painting undercoat has also begun. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding through this project and your flexibility in arrangements at school.
Life Ed
You might have seen on our social media platforms, that the Life Ed. van arrived at school last week. Liz and Healthy Harold are talking to our students about a lot of different important topics. Depending on your child’s cohort, will depend on the content they are learning about. We are excited about this opportunity for our students to learn more about themselves and how to deal with situations.
Stop, Drop and Go Zone
The correct utilisation of these zones helps minimise local traffic impacts and helps ease congestion and wait times. It is important to always follow the directions and time limits imposed by road signs near schools, and to remain courteous to your fellow motorists. Most ‘Stop, Drop and Go’ zones allow a two minutes to drop off or pick up passengers, but you must not leave your vehicle other than to open the doors for passengers.
For ‘Stop, Drop and Go’ zones to work safely and efficiently, it is important to stick to a number of rules including:
- If your child is not waiting for you and you have exceeded 2mins, leave the area, to allow other parents to access the zone
- Never remain in the zone for longer than 2mins, and stay with your vehicle
- Ensure your child exits the vehicle on the kerb side, not into the traffic lane
- Do not block intersections or driveway accesses.
- Do not stop in a traffic lane impeding the flow of traffic trying to travel through the area
- Move forward in the queue as space becomes available to eliminate the need to perform more difficult parking manoeuvres and
- Remain courteous to other motorists.
We understand that it can be frustrating trying to find a spot in the school car park, which may lead to drivers overstaying their allowed time limit in set-down areas. To alleviate this, you may consider parking a outside the school and walking to the gate – this saves the traffic issues, and provides an opportunity for exercise.
Some of you may be aware, but Dehlia is absent for a few weeks, so anything usually directed to her, needs to be directed to Sam. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding during this time.
Kind regards,
Sam, Kate & Alana