Acting Leader of Mission

“For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”

Acts 13:47

Dearest Marian Community,

I hope this edition of the Marian Newsletter finds you well.

Three weeks from the beginning of this snap lockdown has already gone past, and week by week it  looks like we are getting to the end of the lockdown journey. Since my last article, we have developed a new mission project that we can apply to our everyday life. It is important that as people of faith, we put into action the teachings of Catholicism and that is  to live a life of mission. 


As we continue the process of learning and teaching from home, it is important that we continue to live a life of mission in our everyday lives. We need to ensure that we work together to ensure that we all get through this together.  From now until the end of the term, I set you the challenge to live the way, the truth and the life through being an involved student and active citizen within your own life by spreading love amongst all that you come in contact with, either physically or through distance. Now more than ever is a time that we need to stick together and let each other know we are there for one another. 


We need to understand that living a life of mission isn’t about doing something grand just to be seen in the eyes of others as doing something. Sometimes it’s a simple random act of kindness that makes a difference in someone's life. I challenge staff, students and the Marian Catholic College community to live a life of mission. I’m going to use Gandhi's words of “Be the change you want to see in the world” to “Be the mission you want to see in YOUR world”.


The following are some ways that we can live a life of mission and be involved students and active citizens in our world. You may choose the activity or if you are feeling creative, change it to something you feel could have a positive impact on someone else. To help spread the love, you can film or photograph yourself doing it, showcasing how you made a difference in the lives of others!


Send your Acts of Mission to 

Be the Mission! 


Finally, as we move towards the weekend, we look to experience an appreciation for the father’s and fatherlike figures in our lives. We can also see ways we can give gratitude to our Holy Father for all of his creations, teachings and life.


Throughout this week of lock down, staff members at MCC were asked to reflect on their father or fatherlike figure and share their thoughts. With Father’s Day looming upon us, take a moment today to watch and reflect on the role that these individuals have on our lives. My appreciation goes to those who contributed to the video and shared their innermost thoughts, feelings and stories. We hope you enjoy it!

As we move onto the final two weeks of Term 3, let us keep striving and supporting each other through these tricky times. 

“One of the most important this you can do on earth is to let people that they are not alone”

Shannon L. Alder

Yours in faith,

Mr Abdala

Acting Leader of Mission