Leader of Curriculum News

I hope we are all going well during the lockdown. Please remember to encourage your child to email their teacher or pastoral leader if they are having any concerns about the set work, assessments or internet issues.


As you are aware, year 11 yearly examinations could not continue in their normal format in weeks 9 and 10. Modified online tasks are currently being written instead. These tasks will concentrate on only the most recent work studied and are reduced to fit into a one period format. All year 11 “in class” assessment tasks will be conducted in week 10. Students will have no scheduled lessons during this week except for these tasks.


Years 8 and 10 have now completed their subject selections into years 9 and 11 respectively. I would like to thank students and parents for their prompt submission of these online forms and the proactive way you have sought answers to any questions that arose during this decision-making process.


The timetabling committee have met several times to look at staffing, courses and line structures for 2022. Once this has been finalised, the students will be informed and a final hard copy of their subject selection form for years 9 and 11 in 2022 will need to be completed and signed by their parent or guardian. Due to lockdown, this will now not occur until early next term.


Lastly, I would like to thank all parents/guardians on their continued support and work during online learning. I hope we will all be back on site as a school community soon.



John Seers