School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values and Mathletics Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can! 

Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in  school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development -  social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth.

The graph above represents all student absences.

Attendance Awards

Congratulations to Fearless Leaders who will be receiving the

 'Attendance Award'

for having the highest attendance percentage for Week 8 Term 3



Student of the Week

Term 3 Week 9

Congratulations to the following student who has received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
JerryLearning LegendsWriting a sentence all on his own and then editing it to improve on his work. Well done!
ElenaMotivated MonkeysCompleting all of her Online Learning tasks to a high standard and for always completing the Challenge tasks too. Well done!
AadyaThe Values TeamAlways trying her best and completing excellent work during remote learning.
WilliamThe Courageous CrewFor making outstanding progress with his reading during accelerators, guided reading and his online work.
BlakeSmarties SquadPractising his reading every night to become a very fluent and expressive reader!
MadisonBrilliant BrigadeConsistently working to a high standard on all learning tasks, attending all Webex live teaching meetings, challenging herself and submitting all work on time.
ShyahLegendary Curiosity ExplorersTrying hard to complete her online work to the best of her ability and showing growing independent work skills. Well done, Shyah.
MitchellImagineesFor taking an increased responsibility for his learning and spending more time on learning tasks.
MiaDream CatchersTaking responsibility for her learning during remote learning and always trying her best!
RohanFearless LeadersConsistently handing in and revising his assignments online. His quality of work and engagement in his lessons has been outstanding. Congratulations!


Congratulations to the following student who will receive a Silver certificate for their achievements in Mathletics. Keep up the amazing work!


Lara 2B


Liam 2A