Kings Park News

C and T Team News for Term 3 newsletter
Welcome back to Term 3. It has been another disrupted start with the unexpected lockdown 5.0 and 6.0 hitting us so early in the term. Despite this, Term 3 is already in full swing. Students at Year 9 and 10 are discussing their subject selections with their families and making their choices for 2022. Year 10 students are making the difficult decision of VCE or Vocational studies, and then what stream of subjects they will choose. Ms. Francke, Ms. Tauber and Mr. Rankin are conducting one on one interviews with the Year 9 students to assist them with their choices. Ms. Bella Moore is working with the Year 10 students to help them with their Year 11 choices. Any student or family who are still unsure about their choices are encouraged to make an appointment with Ms. Bella Moore (Year 10 students) or to see Ms. Francke, Ms. Tauber or Mr. Rankin (Year 9 students).
ABCN Aspirations Leadership
Ten of our Year 10 students at Kings Park were selected to participate in the ABCN Aspirations leadership program. They are joined by 10 students from Sydenham and work with a mentor from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The Aspirations program is designed to familiarise high school students with the working world and equip them with skills to build a successful career. We would like to thank ABCN and the CBA for allowing this opportunity for our students. We are very pleased to announce the Kings Park Students leaders for the remainder of 2021. Congratulations to the following students on their leadership appointments: Kings Park Campus Leaders
Todd and Fealofani
Year 10 Student Leaders
Faith and Ranya
Year 9 Student Leaders
Amy and Gloria.
Year 10 Camp
The school made the unfortunate decision to cancel the 2021 Year 10 Tasmania camp due to the closure of borders and the uncertainty of things again due to Covid 19. Both students and staff were saddened by this decision, as they were really looking forward to their Year 10 camp.
Student Led Presentations
Students are working really hard on their Student Led Presentations. These are taking place on Thursday the 2nd of September and Friday the 3rd of September. We are looking forward to celebrating the learning journey of the students together with their families throughout these presentations. If any family is yet to confirm their SLP booking, please contact the KP office on 9365 4111.
We would like to wish all of our families and the wider Copperfield College community good health and all the best for the remainder of Term 3.
Ms Jade Tauber
C-Team Leader
Ms Jess Francke
T-Team Leader
Mr Bradley Rankin
Year 9/10 Campus Leader
Kings Park Years 7 and 8 Report
After a disrupted beginning to term, we are now all enjoying being back at school. (Unfortunately not for long.) Much enthusiasm was around the junior teams as students got the opportunity to catch up with one another and their teachers.
After a lengthy process of nominations and interviews, the Year 7 and 8 Student Leaders have been chosen.
The L Team Leaders are
Penny 8L4 and Amani 7L3.
The D Team Leaders are
Lela 7D1 and Jennie 8D1.
Congratulations to our successful applicants.
The Health Champions Peer Leadership progam has commenced this term, being run by the School Nurse, Tanya Hempshall and the Wellbeing Team, Jane Williamson and Mary Scott. This 6-week program is being developed to help students to expand social connections and communication opportunities, be aware of their wellbeing needs and encourage peer support and leadership skills.
Student Led Presentations
Student Led Presentations are a feature of the school year at Copperfield College. Students have been working on these for some time now, identifying goals for their subjects and identifying ways to achieve these. This is a significant event where students also get the chance to showcase their learning and personal growth This year, the Student Led Presentations will be on September 2 and 3. Bookings are now closed to parents however you can book an appointment by contacting your child's Homegroup Teacher.
Ms Pam Farrelly
Year 7 and 8 Campus Leader