Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Classrooms in Semester 2
We have been able to provide more teachers than ever with a consistent room in semester 2.
This enables teachers to exercise greater ownership of their learning spaces so that rooms can be a greater learning resource for students. We are particularly pleased to have been able to provide our four campus learning specialists with their own room, giving each of our teaching teams ‘model’ learning environments.
We are well advanced for our fantastic Student Led Presentations on September 2 and 3.
Student Led Presentations are a highly regarded method of helping students take ownership over their learning and celebrate progress at school, as well as assisting planning for improvements and deciding on future directions. Students make a 10 minute presentation to their families along with their Homegroup teacher and another teacher, where they focus on their learning, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and goals. It is expected that all students will present on one of the SLP days. Siblings and other family members, if available, are also very welcome to join in the presentation.
We hope that all families can find a time on one of these days to make a 20 minute booking and we look forward to seeing all families on this very important day for every student.
Tutoring Program
All English and Maths classes from years 7 to 10 on both Kings Park and Sydenham Campuses have a tutor assigned to them for at least one period in term 3. A small number of LOTE classes also have a tutor assigned to them.
Tutoring of up to 6 students from each of these classes now takes place within the classroom. There are no restrictions on which students are selected. All tutors complete an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that focuses on a learning goal with each tutored student. This IEP is informed by an analysis of learning data and conversations between student, teacher and tutor
When all students have been identified in each class, approximately 600 students will be tutored in years 7 to 10 in 150 classes with many students receiving tutoring in multiple subjects.
An additional 130 students in years 11 and 12 are also receiving individualised tutoring with our Delahey team of four tutors who work 3 days a week. We are hoping that more students avail themselves of this support now we are entering the final part of the year for Delahey students.
Building Works
The tram is gone! And it went all in one piece. And yes, the crane got bogged. Thank you Heather for the full 4 hour supervision of the works over the school holidays.
L Team internal walls have been removed to open up this space. Next step is a quote for carpet tiles.
Pathways Events
Year 10s have attended pathways information sessions.
Learning about pathway options and life at the senior campus. The resources have gone digital with a Google Classroom keeping students engaged and informed. Bella is leading the students through this process.
Year 9s
Considering their options for subjects in year 10 and pathway choices for the future. This process is facilitated by the student management team.
Additional Programs for students
Pasifika Thrive
This program finished for year 8 & 9 Islanders in semester 1 but we have secured a special deal to continue with the program in semester 2.
We have targeted our year 7 students to begin in semester 2.
MENTOA Mentoring Program
Program offered to disengaged year 9 and 10 students. Will use physical activity and team work to improve engagement at school.
Started in July at Kings Park.
Temporarily suspended until we return to school.
Rated R Program
Program offered to disengaged year 9 and 10 students with a focus on positive self care, identity and relationships.
Temporarily suspended until we return to school.
Victorian High-Ability Students Program
Term 3 we continue working with the following year 7 students on this timetable:
Mr Mark Nugent and Mr Lance Petherick
Campus Principals