Mrs Jillian Rainger

Learning @ Home

We have begun our second week of Learning @ Home. Thank you to everyone for their support so far. 

We are mindful of a number of things:


Your internet might not always cope or you may not have enough data. 

We understand that everyone has different data plans etc. If you are struggling, minimise the downloads of clips etc and try to join the Zooms on Mondays and Fridays to connect with the teacher and classmates.


Zoom might not always work

There have been some outages across the Australian Zoom network from overload. Always give it a go but don't panic if it doesn't work. Try again for the next Zoom. If you are unsure if it is an outage or something you are doing give us a call. If you couldn't get on, email your teacher and let them know you tried.


There is too much work

Please use the daily schedule as a guide only. It is fine to create your own schedule to suit your families commitments and needs.

Per day students should aim for approximately:

K-2:  2.5 hours 

Years 3-6:  3 hours

Years 7-10:  3.5 hours

of school work.

However, not every day goes to plan and that is ok. If you get through the work that is great if you don't let your teacher know that it is too much or submit what you have done. Others might also be finding it too much and the teachers can adjust.


You need some help with Zoom, Compass or Google Classroom

Use this link to some guides to help with Learning @ Home:


Supervision at school

Please be aware that the school is operating with minimal supervision. Students are combined with other classes and other year groups. They do not have their regular teacher as there is minimum staff rostered on each day.  Students at school do the same work as the students at home. K-6 students play on the one playground together. This is quite different and can cause students to feel anxious. Discuss with your child that school is not operating as normal and let us know if they are worried.


We would like you to remember:

Connecting with your teacher and classmates on Zoom is as important as getting the work done.

Looking after your mental wellbeing is as important as getting the work done.

Look after your wellbeing by:

Having a routine

Trying to get some work done each day - Prioritise English and Maths in K-6, English, Maths, Science and HSIE in 7-10.

Having a day off if you need to

Spending time outside (maybe not today!)

Being active and moving

Relaxing with a book, a movie or doing something fun 

Playing games 

Chilling out


School Survey

The annual school survey has been placed on hold until things settle. 


Virtual Bookweek

Mrs Fraser has placed some extra activities to celebrate Book Week on our Facebook and Instagram pages. These are optional activities for our students.


Reach out 

Please get in touch with me if you need anything, have any concerns or ways we could do things better. We will continue to update you as we get information from NSW Health, CSNSW and CSO Armidale. Call me at school 67224066 or email me:

Take care and have a good week!
