Wellbeing MATTERS!

Wellbeing MATTERS!

Dear Families,


Who could have imagined our Term 3 of learning at SH!  

Congratulations - students, teachers, support officers and OUR MAGNIFICENT PARENTS for the hard work and resilience you have all used to navigate these covid times!  How RESPONSIBLE we have all been!  It has been fantastic seeing the number of students (and Parents) embracing home learning and the work set through the platform on our ipads!  It is true to say that some of us have done really well, some have done ok and some are just trying their best!

Personally, I’ve learnt new skills using the online platform from facilitating online group work to being able to share my screen on google meets and still see the students!  I’ve attended online meetings and conferences and so much more!  Not everything has been as I’d liked it, but I’ve tried my best and persisted, even when I thought it was beyond me!  I talked to my colleagues and asked for help when I needed it.

This is all we are asking of everyone in our SH community - try your best and don’t give up!  it's ok to step back and take a big breath (I know I did it heaps!) and then try again.

How to cope with stress related to COVID-19      

It can feel stressful and overwhelming at times as we make our way through this latest outbreak. You might feel overwhelmed by the information, conversations and the increased levels of stress in our community. It can be hard to know what information to trust, especially in a situation where things are changing so quickly. It can be helpful to keep up-to-date but it’s also okay to switch off from the 24 hour media cycle if this is getting too much.

During this time some things in your life may be affected by attempts to contain the spread of the virus. You would have been looking forward to our concert and it’s been cancelled. You may be affected by school or your workplace temporarily closing. Or you may have a loved one who is directly affected by the virus. It’s important to find the right level or type of support for you. And keep in mind that the type of support you may need can change as time passes.

Health Tips

Engage in activities that promote a sense of calm and feeling grounded  

*Be mindful of exposure to information through stories, traditional and social media. It may be helpful to take a break from the 24-hour news cycle

*Do things that make you feel safe and connected, and be with those who are helpful to your wellbeing

*It can help to talk with trusted relations, friends or colleagues, if it all feels a bit much

*Ensuring we exercise - go for a walk, run or a ride




It is in times of great challenge that you can often find acts of great kindness and generosity.  I saw in the Shepp News last week that a couple of children drew a picture and placed a bag of lollies in the mailbox of an elderly couple who lived near them!  The smile on their faces was priceless!  What a wonderful act of kindness.  Perhaps we can think of something kind to do for our family members or maybe a neighbour?  I’m sure Mum and Dad would enjoy a picture that you had drawn or painted or something you’ve made!  The bookmarks made last week would make a lovely gift if given to someone you’d like to see smile.


Did you hear the joke about coronavirus? Never mind, I don’t want to spread it around!


What’s the difference between Covid-19 and Romeo and Juliet? One’s the coronavirus and the other is a Verona crisis!


Day 121 at home and the dog is looking at me like, “See? This is why I chew the furniture!”


Since we’re all in quarantine I guess we’ll be making only inside jokes from now on!


If I keep stress-eating at this level, the buttons on my shirt will start socially distancing from each other!


Hope one of them at least made you smirk!

Useful resource - MINDFULNESS

Mindfulness is a whole lot more than meditation! Introducing Ben Sanders, our second artist in our Smiling Mind Creates series, supported by BIC®. Whether you are in lockdown at home or simply looking for a new creative project Smiling Mind Creates has tutorials and activities to help you take a moment to pause, imagine and create.


Creativity can be an informal mindfulness practice as it relies on paying attention in the present moment with openness, curiosity, and non-judgment – similar to the qualities we bring to meditation. Like meditation, putting aside some time to engage in a creative task can be a great way to support your mind. Bonus: you can make something pretty cool too!  Why not explore...

I wish you all a relaxing and restful break - you all deserve it!  

Hopefully we can have a change of scenery - see you term 4!!


Be positive!  Be safe!  Be kind!  Be happy!  Enjoy your family time!


Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or queries.


Debbie Turvey

Pastoral Wellbeing & Learning Diversity Leader


(03) 5824 1841


Stay tuned in our school newsletter for more ideas and conversations around promoting wellbeing and learning in our school community.


Have a great week, make the choice, be your best!