From Our School Captains

Parents, Carers & Students,


We are your School Captains for 2021 and it has been nothing like we were hoping. It has been a rough year with lockdowns starting and stopping continuously. We hope we can be back at school soon and see everyone in person instead of on a screen!  


But for the time being let’s enjoy the perks of being at home. Sleep-ins, warm food, staying in your pj’s all day and much more. Even though you can't go out as much as you would like to, you can still do so many things inside. Arts & Crafts, going in your backyard, watching new movies and TV shows, playing games and spending time with your family. You can even try to organize zooms or facetimes with family and friends just to talk or to do work together. 


Although we may miss going to school and seeing our friends we have to stay safe. We are all counting down the days until we can see everyone back at school. Keep going, try your best and hope that we can be back as soon as possible.


Your School Captains,


Zoe & Sam