Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


Well, it sure has been another challenging term for all in our community and indeed society. It has been another challenging time for all of us and we look forward to the day when we can welcome our students back on site.


Again, we must acknowledge the remarkable efforts of our students, parents, teachers and learning support officers in working through this latest period of home learning. Everyone has done another AMAZING job. From all reports, I think everyone is ready for a breather.


Let's hope that, as we conclude the year in Term 4, we see restrictions being lifted, allowing us increased flexibility in our learning environment. I will be in touch with families (via Flexischools)  over the holidays to communicate and/or confirm any changes to the home learning situation once these have been announced by the Government.

School Laptop Care

Given we have so many school laptops in family homes we have been very fortunate that great care is being taken of them and we have had very few breakages.

In the past couple of weeks however we have had a few damaged devices which prompts us to remind students to handle and carry them carefully. One of the main causes of damage is when a person picks up the open device from the corner of the screen. The thumb or fingers then place increased pressure on the screen causing it to crack. When carrying devices we ask that children carry them when the screen is closed and that they also use two hands.

We trust that all families will continue to care for these devices over the holiday break. Thank you.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to those families who took up the opportunity to meet with teachers last week for the parent teacher interviews. If you were unable to make an appointment  please know that the teachers would welcome the opportunity next term, if you would like to make time to catch up.

Staff News

A retirement......

After 22 years of dedicated service to Christ Our Holy Redeemer, Virginia Macdonald is going to 'hang up the keyboard' at the end of the year and spend more time enjoying the retired life ( which could be pretty busy as she awaits the arrival of her 10th grandchild!). We are extremely grateful to Virginia for all she has brought to our school over many years. We will certainly be taking the time at the end of the year to acknowledge and thank Virginia for her years of service at COHR.


....and a baby announcement

We are delighted to be able to share the news that Mrs Tanya Ticca (3/4 teacher) and her husband, Anthony, are expecting their first child, due to arrive in March next year. We wish both Tanya and Anthony all very best as they await the birth of their baby.


Our condolences to the Costabile family on the passing of Alyssa's grandfather.

Footy Colours Day

It was great to see and hear the children getting into the spirit of our Footy Colours Day today.

I hope you all enjoy the upcoming AFL grand final.

Go the Dees!

Go the Doggies!

School Closure Day

A reminder that tomorrow is a school closure day as teachers will be participating in professional learning on Restorative Practices. Please note that there will be no staff on site tomorrow as they will all be participating in the professional learning from home.

Time to Pause

As we approach the next school holiday period I hope all our families enjoy the break away from the routines of home learning. 


Take care everyone


Brendan Welsford
