From the Classroom

News from 5/6 Unit

What's happening in Grades 5 and 6 


Digital Learning 


Over the coming weeks, we will be introducing and trialing Google Classroom and G-Suit Applications to support in-class and at-home learning. 


The kids seem excited and we are looking forward to the opportunities and challenges that integrating ICT presents. The aim is to maximize access to learning and provide the best possible outcomes for students, there will, however, be inevitable glitches and experiments gone awry. This said, your feedback will be greatly appreciated.  




A number of families have made inquiries about homework, which will be introduced later this week. While completing homework is encouraged it is not mandatory and should aim to develop 'intrinsically motivated learners' and see students build healthy relationships with 'learning at home'. 


A 'Homework Grid' will provide students with a menu of learning tasks to engage with at home. Students should be encouraged to 'choose challenge' when selecting tasks. Additional tasks such as maths problems and prescribed reading that target 'at school' learning foci may also be assigned throughout the term.


 Students are encouraged to spend approximately 1 hour (10min per night) completing homework each week.


In addition to completing homework, students are encouraged to read for at least 20 min per night. Students reading should include a wide variety of text formats and genres and should aim to foster a 'passion for reading'. 


Homework will be provided through Google Classrooms. Paper copies can be provided for students on request. 




We have started the term revisiting 'persuasive writing'. Students will be writing letters to the Minister for the Environment about Australia's use of non-renewable energy resources.  Students will be able to access and revisit learning materials via Google Classroom.


We have also started a Novel Study exploring the text "His Name Was Walter" by Emily Rodda. 




In Maths this term we will be introducing a Weekly Review designed to reinforce and revisit prior learning across all domains of numeracy. Master Classes will provide differentiated and explicit instruction targeting specific mathematical concepts with our initial foci being "Units of Measurement" (Area, Volume Capacity, and Time). Concepts addressed in Master Classes will be reinforced by concrete learning tasks where students will apply their understanding to solve problems and explore their world. 




We are about to launch our inquiry unit 'Desert Survivors'. Students will be exploring the ways that plants and animals adapt to their environments. These investigations will be used as a bridge to explore the ways humans can and are adapting to change. 


That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates...

What’s Happening in 3/4?

Welcome to a new term! We have SO much coming up that we will be busy little bees!


Our inquiry unit this term is called 'Exploring the World of Living Things'. The unit examines the life cycles of plants and animals. Students will investigate how life cycles  of various organisms differ and what they have in common: the pattern of birth, growth, reproduction and death. They will then learn how organisms can be described by their traits and the visible evidence that  traits are inherited. Students learn how the environment can affect traits. For example, the size of a  plant will be tall or short depending on how much water it gets or the amount of sunlight it receives.


In Numeracy, we have been revising our understanding of the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).


In English, we have been continuing our learning of phonemic knowledge – unpacking and explaining why words are structured the way that they are. We have also begun our novel study 'Nim's Island' and are learning the techniques required to persuade.


Have a great week!

Pippa, Lisa and Sheena

The Adventures of the 1/2's

What a term we have ahead, so much learning to explore and challenge us, an excursion to Science Works and a whole lot more!!!


So far....


In our Inquiry unit, we are exploring the science question "How does the sky and landscape change?". Students began the unit viewing a range of pictures to prompt their wondering and question their understanding. Students developed a range of fantastic questions which we will uncover in the duration of our unit (see the picture below for a snapshot of these questions). We have initiated our inquiry by discovering how the sky changes from day to night, unpacking the patterns of the sun and moon. Our adventure to Science Works (on the 1st of August) will help us uncover the impact and change weather and seasons have on our sky and landscape. We are particularly excited for our involvement in the lightning room, where we will see a live lightning demonstration!

In Numeracy we are looking at and learning about money. The importance of it, how we use it and how our coins and notes are unique to Australia. We have made a market place and both operated our shops and gone shopping ourselves to experience using money and seeing how it works. 


In English we are continuing to grow our knowledge and use of phonemes, particularly focusing on how this knowledge supports our ability to read and write. Our students are thriving in our routines and are working brilliantly towards their reading goals. We have been looking at procedural writing too. Students have been immersed in a range of "how to" texts, How to make a foil moon, lemonade stand, fairy bread and brush your teeth to name a few! We are working hard at understanding the key features of procedural texts to support our own procedural writing skills. We can't wait to see what our students create this term!

Until next time, 

Your Awesome 1/2 Team,

Lee, Caitlin and Jenny


Fantastic Foundations

It’s the start of Term 3 and can you believe our Foundation students have nearly reached their 100 Days Celebration?  We have a fun day of celebration on the 27th June where we will celebrate that we are ‘100 Days Brighter’ with colourful activities and clothes.


This Term our inquiry unit is called 'Farm to Plate' and will allow children to explore where food comes from and healthy food choices. They will learn about the design technology, of how resources from farms are used for food, clothes and materials. We are excited to be going to Myuna Farm at the start of August. 


In Numeracy, we have been learning about comparing numbers with greater than and less than as well as exploring mass. This has seen students read the book ‘Who sank the boat?’ and determine which animals were heavier and lighter. 


In Literacy, we are consolidating our existing knowledge of the initial phonemes and are now  bringing decodable readers home to practice our skills. We are learning about poetry and rhyming words by writing rhyming pairs after reading ‘Dust Bunnies’. Student's had fun learning about alliteration, words that start with the same sound by reading 'Pete the Cat’s Perfect Pizza Party' and making their own alliteration pizzas.  

Comparing numbers, which monster has more eyes?
Dust Bunnies
Dust Bunnies
Finding matching initial sounds.
Comparing numbers, which monster has more eyes?
Dust Bunnies
Dust Bunnies
Finding matching initial sounds.

Indonesian news


This term in Indonesian classes, our topic is “Binatang” (animals).

Our junior students will be focussing on learning new vocabulary and reading folktales about native animals.

 Grade 3/4 students will study Indonesian animals, particularly, the plight of orangutans.

Grade 5/6 students will be using prepositions, comparative and superlative adjectives in both written and spoken Indonesian about “binatang”.

This Saturday 22nd of July, Sayembara Lisan, the Statewide Indonesian Speaking Competition is being held at Melbourne High School. We wish all our finalists “Semoga sukses!”