Pupil of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:

Friday 14th July

Jarrah D (Foundation) For showing care and including others, you have welcomed our new classmate. It is great to see you showing our school value of respect and inclusion. Keep up the great work Jarrah.

Atticus T(12A) -  For working super hard during Literacy sessions. Atti sits still, focuses hard, listens and then writes sounds, letters and words beautifully on his whiteboard. We are so proud of your effort. Atty!!

John M (12B) - for his inclusivity and creativity. John has been such a supportive class member, including and encouraging his peers during collaborative class time. He has also impressed us with his incredible imagination during the creation of characters in our narrative unit. Keep up the great work John!

Sierra (34A) -  For an AMAZING first week at Marlborough! You have worked hard, made friends and helped make 34A an even better grade to be in!

Jed 34B - for trying hard to have a go at things that are out of his comfort zone. Jed is always able to make the classroom a fun place to be. His heart is always in the right place. You are one of a kind Jed.

Ryker (34C) - for working so hard in all lessons to improve his skills. Ryker has already shown a big improvement in his learning and concentration this term and it's only week 1! I'm so proud of you Ryker! Keep up the amazing work!



Congratulations to this weeks winners.

Friday 21st July

Jaxon C (Foundation) - For settling into our school routines well and making a great start at Marlborough! You have been trying your best in each Well done on Jaxon!

Emmanuel T (12A) - For  your concentration and effort during our phoneme lessons, on how the silent final "e" turns a short vowel into a long vowel sound. Great job! Keep it up, Proud of YOU!!!

Hazel C (12B) - For her enthusiastic attitude to writing! Hazel has let her creativity flow during our writing lessons, producing an incredible procedural text, "How to make Percy angry". She made us laugh with her detailed instructions. We are so proud of your efforts Hazel!

Kiran M(34A) -  For the kindness and care he shows towards his friends.

Jackson (34B)  - for coming to school everyday bright and early ready to start work. It is always exciting when you show us how much you are able to do Jackson. Keep it up! 

John (34C) - For showing a huge improvement in concentration and effort during all lessons. You are doing an amazing job with your learning John! Keep up the great work!

Lenka W(56A) -  For the outstanding leadership skills and excellent sportsmanship you displayed at the Netball finals.

Archie B (56B)  - For the wonderful growth in learning you have demonstrated over the past two weeks. Keep it up!