School Council

School Council Update

It's an update of genuine ''thank yous'' from School Council.  

Firstly I would like to acknowledge Neil Butler’s departure from MPS and thank him for his contribution to MPS, particularly during the lockdown years of 2020 and 2021. We wish Neil all the best in his future endeavours.

I would also like thank John Chiswell for his guidance and mentorship at MPS during Term 2. 

John is a retired principal who was mentoring firstly Sharon, and then Pippa and Lisa, on a part-time basis. MPS has been fortunate to benefit from his wealth of experience.  He and his family are now enjoying a holiday in France - we wish them well.

School Council is also genuinely grateful to Pippa and Lisa for their leadership and enthusiasm over the past weeks as they have stepped into the Operational Leader roles - thank you!!

To our staff, thank you for continuing to give so much expertise, passion and enthusiasm into teaching and supporting our students. 


We are always appreciative of our awesome PA for their amazing events throughout the year, and their dedicated fundraising efforts!!


As School Council, we are absolutely delighted that our application for a new playground has been successful through the Stronger Communities fund - we are so grateful to Michael Sukkar MP and the Rotary Club of Maroondah for their support of this project and our school. 


And finally a massive thanks to our entire MPS community for their patience and grace as we have navigated the last 18 months. Your kindness and support to the MPS staff has been much appreciated. 






Voluntary parent payment reminder

A gentle reminder to any families that have not made their voluntary parent payments – it’s not too late to do so!! 


Within our school these voluntary contributions have allowed us to organise and coordinate the best possible programs outside of the traditional teaching and learning classroom structure. 


These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of art, science and physical education equipment and resources, to purchase robotics resources such as the BeeBots and Spheros and invest in decodable books that support our whole school Science of Reading literacy approach. 









On behalf of MPS School Council 




Meet your School Council member









Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or