Assistant Principal News

Sub School News                                                  


What a busy term we have had. Thank you to our students, families and staff for the time and effort you have put into learning and being part of our community this year. Every single one of you deserve a break and time to recuperate. Please keep an eye out on the Sentral Parent Portal and our school Facebook page as our student reports will be published and available to view by the end of term. Early next term an opportunity will be provided for families to meet with their child's teacher to discuss their progress so far this year. Information about Parent Teacher Interviews will be sent out in the first week of term. 


This term the Foundation students have been investigating the Meg and Mog series by Helen Nicoll. they have been reading her books, learning new vocabulary used used in the texts and writing about the characters. On Wednesday 21st June they celebrated all their learning with a Meg and Mog Party. Students came dressed in characters front he series, completed activities related to the books and then had a dance party at the end of the day.


The Year 2's have been have been engaging in their Literacy learning through the theme of Superhero's. Whenever I visited their classrooms this term or spoke to students in Year 2, they were always so excited to share what they do been doing. The writing pieces they produced this term showed how much they loved this unit of work. On Tuesday 20th June the students had a Superhero day to celebrate all their learning for the term. I was so happy to be invited to to their classrooms earlier in the day and the parade at the end of the day and join in with the celebrations. 


The Year 5 students attended their once in a lifetime excursion to see Harry Potter and Cursed Child. For most students in year 5 level had never experiences a live theatre event. The students 

To allow the students to attend a grant was sourced from, "We the Industry". Their mission is to connect and expose the community to the Arts, particularly young people to develop a love for the theatre. 


We hope you have a safe, relaxing and warm term break. See you all in term three!

  Sharleen Nason

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                         F-2 Sub School and Specialists


Jacqui Sampson

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                                       3-6 Sub School