Wellbeing and Child Safety

Attendance - Every Day Counts

Each term, as Wellbeing Leader at Holy Family, I attend a Leadership Day, which provides valuable insights into this critical area and updates about initiatives from MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools). I have the opportunity to listen to guest speakers on various topics and liaise with other teachers in the role to hear about the initiatives in their school. 


At the last meeting, MACS staff outlined new information about student absences. I have included the new poster below, which outlines the importance of being at school and the cumulative impact that even missing a few minutes of learning time daily can have. 


Being absent from school may be due to several issues, including illness, the occasional appointment or a holiday. Occasionally, we hear that a student is reluctant to come to school, a behaviour often linked with anxiety. MACS data indicates that since Covid 19, this has become an increasingly common issue across all states, sectors (Catholic, Government and Independent schools), and at both the Primary and Secondary levels. 


If your child is showing signs of reluctance to come to school for reasons other than illness, please speak to your child's teacher, Paul or myself, so we can support your child and you and understand why this may occur and find ways to move forward so they feel heard but begin to develop positive habits about being at school. 


As a parent, showing compassion is vital, but it is also essential to help your children understand that being at school every day, unless they are sick, is necessary. 


Connie Drossaert

Wellbeing Leader