Assistant Principal's Report

Georgia Despotellis

Assistant Principal’s Report – Georgia Despotellis

Welcome back to Term 3! It was lovely to greet our students back to school this week. I have enjoyed hearing about all the fun holiday activities and trips. There were also lots of smiles on the parents faces on Tuesday as they settled their children back to the routines of a school day.

We had seven new students start at our school this week. I would like to thank all the teachers and students for making them feel welcomed.

Term 3 is an exciting time at CSPS as we begin rehearsing for our School Concert to be held on Monday 4th September and prepare our Year 4 students for camp in the same week!


End of Term 2 Assembly/Farewell to Jim (Crossing Supervisor)

I would like to acknowledge and thank all the teachers, students and families who attended our end of term assembly, gave and or made gifts/cards for Jim. It was a well-deserved and fabulous farewell, as he ended up his time with us and began retirement. I know that he and his family were very appreciative of the send-off and for all the love, support and gratitude we showed and demonstrated as a united school community. It was such a special moment and one that I am sure Jim and his family will always cherish! 



This week we welcomed Peter our new Crossing Supervisor. Please ensure you say hello to him!


I want to take this opportunity to remind our families about road safety rules. Please ensure that you follow the parking restriction signs, wait for the whistle before crossing the road and cross at the crossing, staying in between the two white lines.


Open Morning

We will be having an Open Morning on Wednesday 9th August from 9 – 10.15am. This is an opportunity to visit your child/children’s classroom and see the school in action. Rohan and I, along with our Year 6 leaders, will conduct a school tour at 9.30am. More information regarding registering for the tour will be made available in due course. We will conclude our Open Morning with the school choir performing an item in the hall at 10am, followed by an opportunity to join Rohan and myself for a cup of tea/coffee. 


Thank you all for a fabulous start to Term 3!


Georgia Despotellis

Assistant Principal