Principal Update

Thursday 22 June


It has been another rewarding term with lots happening both inside and outside the classroom as we come to the end of term 2.  It is always a busy and productive term as students and teachers have well established routines and lots of learning takes place.  This always presents a challenge as we aim to improve our stamina for learning.  The break will provide a chance for everyone to take a breath (staff and students) and recharge ready for the next semester.  


Student reports will be available tomorrow afternoon from 3pm via Compass.  Thank you to our teaching staff for their efforts compiling reports and conducting the relevant assessments to make judgements. 

Throughout the semester our students complete learning tasks that are part of our continuous assessment practices.  Continuous reporting should be a truly reflective and meaningful way of providing feedback on our students’ learning. Teachers provide students and families with results as they go. This allows students to constantly reflect on their progress, set goals and make improvements during the year. Our teachers provide detailed and effective feedback and spend time writing quality assessments which allows us to adapt to the specific needs of the individual students.  We place importance on assessing for feedback rather than assessing just for reporting purposes!

It is recommended that you access a laptop or desktop computer to be able to properly see the reports and learning tasks. If you are using your phone you will need to open in the browser which isn’t as user friendly.


We will be having parent/teacher/student interviews on Friday 14 July which will be a student free day.  Bookings will be available to be made tomorrow morning.  This will allow you enough time to have a look at your child’s report and learning tasks.


If you need any assistance accessing the reports on Compass please contact your child’s teacher or the office.



Enrolments for Foundation 2024 are open. Families are asked to complete an enrolment form and return it to the school office as soon as possible to assist with planning for 2024.   If you know of family or friends who may be interested in hearing more about Menzies Creek education for their children, please ask them to contact the school office to arrange a tour. We are available for prospective and existing families to see the school in action.  Thank you for your assistance with this.


We have scheduled some student free days next term that we wish to communicate with everyone so you can be prepared and make necessary arrangements.  These dates have been approved by our School Council.

  • Friday 14 July - this will be set aside for our three-way conferences to discuss the semester one reports and set learning goals for the remainder of the year.  
  • Friday 11 August - staff will be working alongside other Dandenong Ranges schools working on student voice.

Please add these dates to your calendars.  Should you require assistance with supervision TheirCare are available. 


Thank you 

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning before school our breakfast club is in full swing.  This is made possible by some of our parents who volunteer their time to assist our students.  This program is coordinated by our school’s chaplain, Hollie Boniface.  I would like to thank Hollie for her organisation as well as thanking Annika Miles, Laura Lane, Danielle Pearce and Jessie Evans who support this program.  This is a great initiative and one that is vitally important and greatly appreciated.



We do have Assembly tomorrow at 2:00pm before an early dismissal at 2:30pm to end the term


End of term 2 - We will finish at 2:30pm tomorrow

Start of term 3 - School returns on Monday 10 July.


Have a nice break, stay warm and be safe.



Dale McInerney