
Award winners Years 7-11  and Year 12 VCE students 

Dear all, 


This will be my last communication with you (provided we have no more positive Covid cases today or tomorrow!) before we prepare to come back to school towards the end of January.


Please find attached the student award winners for 2022.  I would like to congratulate all our students on persevering and achieving throughout the year, but especially those in the attachment who have managed to "dare to be excellent" in a range of ways.


Award winners will receive their physical awards in the first year level assemblies in 2022.  

Our Year 12 students should be very pleased with their results also.  Although we do not have as many "above 90" scores as the past few years, we have more students who achieved above 60 and far less who achieved below 20.  Most importantly, we want you to achieve your goals.  Congratulations on sticking with it, and on demonstrating perseverance and grit.  It's been a tough couple of years and you did it! 


A special mention to our Dux, who achieved an ATAR of 98.15.


Thank you to all our staff for supporting these young people through some very challenging times.


Finally, a very Merry Christmas and a safe (and Covid-free) New Year to all our students and families.


Best wishes

KT  Frankie & Ash