School Improvement Team


As we head into a new year, Mackellar Primary School is ready to continue our journey to Empower Global Citizens. By doing so the school is commencing our next steps of creating a whole Schoolwide Pedagogy to resume our valuable work and create many new ones. A Schoolwide Pedagogy is a school’s expressions of its priority teaching, learning and assessment principals that reflects on the distinctive qualities of a school community. 


School wide approach to leading pedagogy enhancement
School wide approach to leading pedagogy enhancement

Last week the IDEAS team worked closely with Dr Joan Conway and Dr Dorothy Andrews from the University of Southern Queensland. Joan and Dorothy delivered an amazing professional learning day for the IDEAS team that will assist us in helping the school in creating a Schoolwide Pedagogy. We looked thoroughly at what a schoolwide pedagogy needs and what approaches we need to assist staff members to create this pedagogy. The IDEAS team is now in 


the process of planning our Curriculum Day this term where our focus is creating Mackellar’s Schoolwide Pedagogy using the resources that Joan and Dorothy have provided for us. Our goal for this Curriculum Day is to create a schoolwide pedagogy as a whole school that provides a vehicle to enable teachers to develop heightened connectivity in the learning experience of students across the year levels and subjects. 

Dr Dorothy Andrews
Dr Joan Conway
Dr Dorothy Andrews
Dr Joan Conway


We all can’t wait to continue this journey and we hope you stay tuned to see what will happen next. 

Stephanie Sousa
Stephanie Sousa



Stephanie Sousa 

School Improvement Leader