What's happening in our classrooms?

The grade 2 students have settled in well and are feeling happy in their new classroom environments. 



In Literacy we have been focusing on procedural text types. The students are gaining confidence with writing a procedure and have covered a variety of topics such as: How to brush your teeth; How to make a sandwich; How to cross the road safely; How to get ready for school.


Students are participating in weekly handwriting lessons where they concentrate on improving their formation of letters using the correct starting points and pencil grip. 


We have also spent time setting up our classroom library and sorting picture story books into categories. We have discussed the expectations of independent reading and what it should look, sound and feel like and students are building up their ability to remain focused while reading for extended periods of time. 



This term students are focusing on counting and place value concepts. We are building up their knowledge of counting by 10s and 100s up to 1000 starting at any given number. Students have practised recording their number patterns in their books and verbalising what they have noticed about each pattern. 

They have also been exploring the value of the digits in numbers to 100 and beyond using concrete materials and identifying how many hundreds, tens and ones are represented in each number. 


First 20 Days of SWPBS

Students have spent the first few weeks looking closely at some of our matrix rules and identifying the steps needed to complete each rule in the different settings around our school. Some of the topics we have focused on are: Whole body listening and following instructions, taking pride in our work as well as sharing and playing cooperatively. During eSafety Week, students explored some of the ways they can stay safe while using the internet such as keeping their personal information private and telling an adult if something doesn’t look or feel right while online.