
Child Safety at Clyde Primary School

Clyde Primary School is a child safe school. This means that we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. All schools in Victoria are required to comply with Department of Education Child Safe Standards. These standards aim to protect children from all forms of abuse. 


The child safe standard outline to a school the requirements that need to be in place for child safety. They include:

*Implementing a Child Safe Policy and Child Safe Code of Conduct (located on our website under policies)

*Ensuring staff are completing their mandatory reporting professional learning annually.

*Ensuring staff are reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate departments.

*Ensuring all adults working with children in the school have a current working with children check or are a member of the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

*Ensuring parent helpers attend a Parent Helpers Course before working with students

*Ensuring there is an induction process for new staff members

*Ensuring that child safe is regularly spoken about through meetings, newsletter and briefings.

*Recognising the diverse needs of individual and groups of students.

*Regularly discussing feelings, being safe and protective behaviours with students.


If you have a concern regarding the safety of a child you can discuss this with your child’s classroom teacher or contact Hayley Taylor, Clyde Primary School’s Child Safe Leader and Wellbeing Leader. 


New SWPBS Star award

Hello everyone, 

This term, Clyde Primary School will be introducing a new award to our SWPBS program called the Star Award. This award is nominated by classroom teachers for students displaying one of our school values Respect, Resilience and Responsibility each week. 

Examples of students meeting our school expectations can be found on our SWPBS School Matrix. They can be found in every classroom throughout the school and here on our website. If you have any questions about SWPBS at our school, please contact Mr Russell. 


Parent notification on STA rewards

Next week, parents will start to receive a Compass notifications that their child has received an award from the SWPBS STA (Student Token Award) room. These awards are given out to students that continually show our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. These rewards are created by using student voice and agency. Students receive a token when a teacher notices them showing our School-wide expectations (both inside and outside of the classroom). When their STA charts are filled with tokens, they can trade their charts for an award. When you receive this notification, please let your child know that you have been told they have received a reward. Asking them questions about the reward encourages them to continue showing our school values. 



Just a friendly reminder to all families that attending school is important! 

Even missing school one day a week can affect your child’s education.



What can I do to help?

As a parent or carer you can help by:

  • ensuring your child understands the importance of excellent attendance and punctuality
  • taking an interest in their education – asking about school work and encouraging them to get involved in school activities
  • discussing any problems they may have at school and inform their teacher  to pass on concerns quickly
  • not allowing them to take time off school for minor ailments – particularly those which would not prevent you from going to work
  • arranging appointments after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child’s education and the school
  • being open and willing to work with us to improve your child’s attendance

As a student, you can improve your attendance by:

  • speaking to a trusted adult about the reasons why you might not want to come to school
  • trying hard every morning to get up and get to school, unless you are unwell
  • getting an early night, feeling tired on a morning can make getting to school harder
  • make sure you get to school on time every day


Family Holidays

If your family is going away on holiday during a school term, please notify the classroom teacher as soon as possible. Two weeks before leaving for your holiday an absence learning plan will be created to support your child/ren while they are on holiday. This is a requirement from the Department of Education and the Principal of the school will need to sign this document. Please be mindful of this when you are thinking about a family holiday.