
We are healthy


Our Health units for Semester 1 will include "High Five for Kindness" (We are kind to... ourselves, each other, our family, our classroom and our environment) with a major focus on the LNPS values of Care & Concern, Honesty, Respect & Pursuit of Excellence. We will also focus on Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds which incorporates keeping healthy by eating well, exercising, taking care of our personal hygiene and staying safe when outside in the sun.  


Our third Health Unit will focus on "Feelings" based around the story "The Colour Monster". Students will discuss the way they are feeling using different coloured "emotions" and will be able to identify how they are feeling and steps they can take to improve any negative feelings or emotions.


Each day the children will participate in a healthy eating and physical activity program. Being active and making healthy choices are both important parts of our learning program and link directly to our Health studies. Children are encouraged to choose a healthy snack from their lunch boxes including fruit, vegetables, cheese and yoghurt. Physical activity each day will incorporate fundamental movement skills of body management, locomotor and object control.


Many curriculum areas are embedded within these Health units.



You Can Do It

The ‘You Can Do It’ program is also embedded into many curriculum areas. This program is a whole school focus at LNPS. The program's core purpose is the development of young people’s social and emotional capabilities, including:

  • Confidence
  • Persistence
  • Organisation
  • Getting Along
  • Resilience