
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The 2022 school year has continued to progress well. A big thank you to all members of the Academy community for the manner in which you have been dealing with the procedures and protocols with regards to COVID. We acknowledge and understand the extra burden that some of these procedures place on staff, students and parents, however it is important that we continue with these to do everything we can to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members of the Academy community as well as the continuation of face to face teaching. Whilst we have seen a little spike in case numbers over the last 10 days, our numbers at this point in time are either commensurate or lower than many other schools. Therefore we will continue with our cautious approach, especially with activities that require larger gatherings and activities that take place outside the classroom.


Parents are reminded to please continue to keep their daughters at home if they are displaying any COVID symptoms at all. RA or PCR testing should be undertaken at these times but also be undertaken twice a week regardless of whether any symptoms are present. Whilst masks are no longer mandatory in schools, all members of the Academy community are strongly encouraged to continue wearing them indoors, especially when social distancing is not possible. 


Parents are also reminded to continue to report any positive test results or instances of Personal Close Contacts to the Academy Student Office via a phone call on 9412 7111 or email attendance@academy.vic.edu.au


I do look forward to the day when I write my Newsletter article and COVID -19 does not need to be a focus. Hopefully this will happen in the not too distant future. 


On a bright note, I add my congratulations to the overall winners of the House Swimming Sports - Sherlock - held last Friday, and note we had record numbers of student participation not only in the pool but with support and House Spirit. Read more in the Sports page, and all the  upcoming SCSA Swimming Carnival news.


As always, please never hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns.


Please review/read in full the following headline information on our iNFORMATION page, particularly College Policy on use of student mobile phones.


Students responding to parents messages. As you would already be aware, the College has an Electronic Devices Policy within which the use of mobile phones is addressed. It is import to understand this policy and the rational behind it.  Read More on iNFORMATION page 


On the evening of Monday 28 February, the College held its opening Parents’ Association Meeting for 2022. The meeting was held using the Zoom platform and it was extremely well-attended with 30 people present and parents from every year level represented.  Key agenda items covered in the meeting included: 

Read More on iNFORMATION page.


Mr Sam Di Camillo

Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations