VGSA negotiations update and support from school council

Supporting our teachers, school leadership and education support staff.


At our last School Council meeting we were provided an overview about a recent survey of Victorian public school staff.  The survey highlighted the need for workload relief and work value recognition for teachers, principals and education support staff. We know our school staff work incredibly hard and are very dedicated in supporting our children to learn and grow.  Therefore wouldn’t you want to see our dedicated school staff be provided the support they need so they can do their core job of educating our children? 


School staff working conditions impact directly on the teaching and learning experienced by my  children and yours. High-quality working conditions are underpinned by having a state-wide enterprise agreement for teachers, principals and education support staff that provide conditions of work that value their work and provide workload management.  Improvements in their enterprise agreement can address the concerns outlined in the state wide survey.


You have a chance to make that happen.  Negotiations are currently underway for their next enterprise agreement. You can show your support and help ensure they have good conditions of work that support your child’s learning by contacting your local state MP and letting them know how much you value the work of your child’s teacher, principal and education support staff.  Let them know that you support workload relief for teacher, principal and education support staff and that you want their work to be valued by improved working conditions. 


You can find a summary of the survey results at this link: 


School Council President on behalf of School Council 


Thank you and keep supporting our rights in order to gain a new and better agreement for the future of all students' education!


Thanks to all staff and students even, for participating in Red Friday wearing AEU t-shirts and red overall, to represent our union and standing strong together! 

It has been amazing seeing Newlands AEU sub branch growing and being so active! It has been a pleasure to run this sub branch alongside Brenna (AEU Treasurer)! Thanks to David for being an excellent ES rep within our sub branch and supporting in all meetings and passing of key information!


Srta Laura (AEU President/rep) :)