Kempsey Careers News

 Mr Rix Careers Adviser

To best support your teen in achieving their goals in life we must develop a clear understanding of the importance of our roles as teachers and parent/carers as their career coaches and prepare accordingly. 


This will involve us staying up-to-date with labour trends, communicating well with your teen, leading by example, and seeking outside support in the form of mentors and allies. 


Together we need to support your teen in devising a coherent career plan to help ensure their success. Assist them in researching the wide array of possibilities open to them and help them narrow down their choices. 


When this is done, help them identify the skills they will need to develop, and the qualifications they will need to acquire. 


It is important too to encourage and guide your teen in setting achievable goals and to continue to update and refine those goals over time. One of the biggest difficulties teens face when entering the world of work is the lack of experience they offer when compared to older workers. To help offset this disadvantage, be sure to assist them in compiling their career portfolio to demonstrate all they have to offer. 


Following the advice outlined here will help ensure your teen is off to the best possible start in what will hopefully be a long and rewarding career.


Visit for more information to help you and your teen.



Upcoming Events



If you’re in Year 10, 11 or 12, Explore Day is your chance to check out what life at Charles Sturt University is like – but with a twist!


You’ll get to look around our campuses, chat with students and get the lowdown from lecturers – there’s even a free lunch and a swag bag of goodies. But the best bit about Explore Day? You can get involved! Pick which interactive session/s interests you, book your spot and then get set for some hands-on learning that’s also a whole lot of fun.

Each of our six campuses will run different sessions on everything from arts to vet science. There’s lots for you to explore.


And, if you’re super keen on a particular course or career area, then an Explore Day spotlight session is for you!


Choose a spotlight session and you’ll dive deeper into the topic and spend more time getting hands-on. Because they’re more in-depth, spotlight sessions are for smaller groups and will run for longer.


Port Macquarie - Explore Day Tuesday 8 March 2022 Come to Port Macquarie campus for Explore Day to see what life at Charles Sturt University is all about. Choose from the range of information sessions, hands-on workshops and tours to discover which courses are right for you.


Register here: