A message from the Principal

Welcome back to 2022 & a special welcome to all of our new students in Year 7 & in other years who have started at KHS this term. For all of the new parents & carers to KHS I have two expectations of everyone at KHS: 

  • 1. Respect:  this is a non-negotiable expectation at KHS. I expect this from everyone - from students to staff, from students to students, from staff to students, from staff to staff & most importantly, from each student to themselves.                                          
  •  2. Do your best at all times: each KHS student is ultimately the person who is in control of their education - KHS will provide each student with the teaching skill, support & facilities to succeed in their education. Each student alone however will determine whether or not they take up this great opportunity – please remind your child that they will get out of their education what they put into it.

Students have started the year well & hopefully, schools will soon start looking more like they were before the pandemic visited us. KHS will provide staff and students with enough RATs to continue regular testing until 25 February – twice-weekly or daily for support classes. 

2022 will see a great deal of infrastructure work taking place at KHS & we hope to have parents & carers in the school for a number of events during the year so that you can see the great facilities that KHS has.


Raising a teenager is tough work! I encourage all parents to visit https://raisingchildren.net.au/ & subscribe to their newsletters. This website provides ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.


Please contact me at the school if you have any issues regarding your child’s education.


Simon McKinney

Executive Principal