John XXIII Netball Club

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. 


We are in for some wet weather this weekend so pack your raincoat and your patience.

Umpire harassment

Parents are not to approach umpires. Most of our umpires are young players who are just learning. It is very intimidating and stressful for umpires when they are approached by an adult to be told they are doing something wrong. One of the biggest problems we have retaining umpires is because of sideline intimidation by parents. 


If there is a problem on court the team captain and the offended player can ask a question of the umpires at the break. If it is NetSetGo they can be supported by the coach. Alternately you can request an umpire mentor from the PNA office or talk with the John XXIII College Umpire Mentor when they come to the game.


Training is a compulsory component of netball. If you are going to miss training please let your coach know.

Music Camp

Please let your coach know if you will miss next week’s game.

Be aware

There has been a suspicious male person observed at Matthews' Centre over the last few weeks. Local police have been notified. The person has not done anything illegal so the police are unable to take any action. We advise you to remain extra vigilant.


See you on court.


Milissa Jagers

John XXIII College Netball Club Coordinator