Focus on Technology

Fab Lab STEM Cocurricular Club and Year 9 Science focus on Technology

Crag Vandervalk

Fab Lab CCP


The Fab Lab Cocurricular Activity offers students the opportunity to share their interest in STEM - investigating the applications of scientific and technological mastery in the real world.  From building robots, to coding, to 3D printing, Fab Lab students share their learning as they enjoy their hobbies!


Recently, the Fab Lab was visited by Jordan Watkins, a Control Systems Engineer from AVT Australia (Ascent Vision Technologies) in Melbourne.  Jordan shared his professional career path and experience with our students, as well as provided a demonstration of some of the products that he helps to make. His story helped our students to understand the diverse and exciting opportunities that a career in engineering  can offer.


Rainbow L
Rainbow L


Rainbow Li

Year 9

I learned that the AVT technology created can be useful for the tracking of an object, and the camera can help identify things [for example from an aerial view] and follow them. It helps with finding things, which is useful for emergency responses and search & rescue. 

Tully P
Tully P


Tully Phipps

Year 9

I think that the most beneficial [use of this technology] is the solution for border protection and law enforcement, as it makes it much easier to track movement of a target.

Flynn H
Flynn H


Flynn Hurley

Year 9

I found it most interesting that the robotic "Camera Gimble" movement could flip the camera [using software] to get around not being able to rotate fully!


About Jordan

Jordan Watkins
Jordan Watkins

 Jordan's robotics career started in a Year 9 Robotics class - programming and designing Lego Mindstorm robots in 2012. 

He then progressed to getting his robots to follow lines,  to transport objects from one location to another, and to battle them out in sumo-wrestling contests within the class!


He progressed into heavy mathematical and biological-based subjects throughout VCE with his sights on Biomedical Engineering, and finding his skills were much stronger in physics, he transitioned into a Mechatronics degree at university while conducting multiple projects related to biomedical engineering.  These projects included a robotic prosthetic hand design and build, a humanoid robot fix-up, and a lower-limb humanoid exoskeleton programming design for people with disabilities.


Jordan is now employed at Ascent Vision Technologies (AVT). This companyspecialises in gyro-stabilized imaging systems - fully integrated solutions and software development for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), air defense and counter UAS operations. AVT serves the defense, aerospace and unmanned systems industries by providing innovative technology solutions to meet customer requirements. AVT’s pioneering solutions are supporting airborne, ground and maritime operations around the world.


As well as speaking to students in Fab Lab, Jordan  visited a Year 9 Science class to share his work .
All students and staff take this opportunity to thank Jordan for the generosity he has demonstrated in sharing his skills and lived experience with us, answering our MANY questions and explaining his fascinating work.


Jordan's story was informative, exciting and inspiring - he has  learned a lot of valuable engineering skills since that fateful day in Year 9!