Message from the Principal

VCAL Matters
Congratulations to the VCAL team running Project Friday, Project Homeless.
This event has been very well supported by our school community - see the article in this edition of the Brunswick Star.
Talk about success
Max McKenzie Fitzpatrick (Year 11) earned a place in the semi final of the state championships in the VCAA Plain English Speaking Awards (PESA) .
Max spoke about the challenges of overcoming intergenerational poverty and adversity in a climate of affluence. This is a timely, evocative topic, and one well worth highlighting. Well done Max!
You can read a transcript of Max's speech here.
School for Student Leadership
Year 9 students Max Vizard, Samara Ross, Campbell Brain, Gabriel Di Falco, Yasemin Ciftci and Eve Gilbert-Koska attended the School for Student Leadership (SSL) on a full-time basis throughout Term 2 .
This is a select-entry program offering a unique residential education experience for Year 9 students, with the curriculum focusing on personal development and team learning projects.
Melissa Brown (Teacher Liaison) and I visited them this week to attend the presentation of thier Community Projects, and congratulate the BSC contingent on their participation and success in the program.
Wonder Recycling Rewards
Our college is taking part in the Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign during Term 3.
This campaign encourages recycling in the community and rewards the college with points toward earning new sporting equipment.
By collecting and recycling our soft plastic bread bags we are helping to protect our environment, oceans and wildlife - and helping our school!
Help us by collecting your bread bags at home and bringing them to school in Term 3 for our action!
I extend best wishes to the entire community for a happy and restful holiday break, and look forward to a busy and exciting third term.